
Sometimes I want to rewrite some of these old ass stories or delete them and write new ones but I know I do not have the time or the patience. Do people still even read wattpad?


So I have all the way up to Chapter 7 rewritten of Love Bites. I have 4 more channels to go before I can start writing new chapters. If I stay motivated you all may have a new chapter as a Christmas gift. If you have been reading the rewrites reply to this and let me know what you think. Has my writing gotten better?


Whoops I may have redid the second chapter of Love Bites already. I'm kinda on a roll so imma just keep editing till I finally fall asleep again. But even if I somehow fix them all tonight don't expect me to make any new chapters cause I still need to figure out where this story is even going. 


So I completely redid the first chapter of Love Bites and gave it a cover. I'm still not going to update it frequently but I finally have some motivation to actually finish it. I honestly don't remember the route I was going with this story so there will be major changes starting with the vampire villain. I turned one of my ocs into a sonic character for the story and I think she will be a much better replacement. Since it's my character it will also make writing her parts easier because I already have a very good understanding of her personality already an how she would fit as a villain. I hope everyone likes the new chapter one better and I plan to keep fixing that chapters when I can. Have nice day. 


I might come back guys but if I do I'm deleting all stories and starting over cause they suck. I might rewrite some though and I will leave the one shots cause they are already complete stories. I just don't want so many unfinished stories that I will never get back too. I believe that I am a much better writer now though I got a lot going on in my life so updates won't be as fast as they were when I was active. You'll probably get like a chapter or two a month.


I feel terrible when I look at my inbox and can't remember 90% of the people I've talked too. Btw I've updated my bio for those who may be interested in seeing my art. If you comment on any of my art DON'T MENTION WATTPAD. I have mentioned before that I am not allowed this account so if my mom finds out I still go on here she will freak out on me and I might as well kill myself cause my life will be ruined. If you mention it I will deny it's existence and say you have the wrong person ok? Got it I hope you all are having a good day. Oh and I do take art request but I'm not that great at drawing so ya.