
Happy Mother's Day everyone


Wow so I just logged into my backup account on Instagram because I don't remember the info to the main one. I am so unimportant to the people who were in my life it shocked me. I think about my old friends time to time and think about my family all the time. I just realized that they dont find me important but um, ok. I wish I hadn't of done that.


You seem really nice


I do. I love him. I thought that they were all thinking about me. Maybe not everyday like I do them but every once in a while ya know? But I guess while is lost him and the rest of my family on my father's side them only lost a niece or a cousin or a grand daughter or a sister or a daughter. It was only me. That's ok though. I love myself. Thank you☺


this message may be offensive
@lionessreader03 well fuck him who the fuck cares what he thinks


Everything just builds up and I start to tear up so I head upstairs to my room. She stops me and I blantantly point out what she is doing but she denies it and ignores my words and tries to put it back on me. I go in my room to cry but I guess I left my door open and she heard. Then she says "could you cry any louder" because I am sobbing on my bed. I get up and slam the door and she screams at me telling she would beat my ass if I slam the door again. I run out of toilet paper and go down to the bathroom to cry some more. Then she asks if I want to watch the documentary with her again, I guess thinking she was giving me a second chance to do what she wanted me to do. I ask what the rating is and she tells me to shut up and go to bed. Also when she said I was never gonna be a detective she was chuckling. Does anyone else relate? 


I WILL! I started exercising on Monday so I would be in shape even though its years off. AHHHH IM EXCITED ABOUT IT. I THINK ABOUT IT EVERY DAY!


@lionessreader03  I’m sorry that happens to you and I believe in you. So you better become a detective


I know it isn't as good as a therapist but I need to vent and I have no friends. 
          So I really want to be a homicide detective when I grow up and my mom KNOWS that. She knows that but whenever the subject of my future career enters a conversation she always ignores it and says I'm gonna be a lawyer even if I correct her in the moment multiple times. She was watching a crime documentary and asked if I wanted to watch it with her. I said "no, I think documentaries are boring". Ive also said that before, several times. Then she scoffs and says I'm never gonna be a detective because I'm not interested in that stuff. She said someone that really wanted to be a detective would be interested in that. (Keep in mind, she is not a detective herself) She said that I am gonna be like a person from the movie we just watched, living in the basement drawing cartoons because I like to watch anime. During the movie we said some commentary about his girlfriend basically calling him a worthless loser. Remember, she said I was gonna be JUST like him. We don't even have a basement and I've never draws a cartoon or any anime in my life. Then she asked what the rating on the anime I am currently watching was. It's Naruto and it is TV-14. I am 13 and in a few months I will be 14. She said I'm not allowed to watch it. I am on summer break but by the time I am 14 break will be almost over. Then I will barely be able to watch it at all. She knows that. 


I do really want to be a homicide detective and thank you. Its really cool that you went to France. I'd like to go one day. I think it is stupid when people go out of there way to make other people miserable. They don't get anything out of it. I'm glad you had fun eventually and got to shove it in their faces when you got back. 


@lionessreader03 I agree that documentaries are boring. Fictional crime shows can be just as useful, but far more fun. Don't let people change your mind about what you really want. You might still change it yourself since there is still time to choose, but don't let people around you talk you into a profession that would make you miserable. 
            I had some people tell me I won't be able to do something, too. I suffered social phobia when I was younger, and there was a free school exchange program to France that I applied to, and everyone told me that I would never be able to do it, since I could barely go to a bakery alone, which they reminded me a million times. But I did it. I was terrified, I couldn't sleep at all the first day, which turned into headaches the next day, and I broke down a few times, but I did it. And when I returned, I told all about awesome experiences I had in Paris to everyone who didn't believe in me, while they stared at me in jealousy. Success is the biggest "fu*k  you" to those who don't show support. It's a sort of "be the one to have the last laugh" kind of thing. I'm not sure if I would be ever able to travel to France if I didn't channel my anger into proving them wrong. So... I guess that's my advice. Don't fight with your mom so much right now, since it won't do much good to either one of you. But, when the time comes to choose your career path, choose what you wish to do the most, be good at it, and prove her wrong.


HAPPY PRIDE! I know not many people will see this and I'm a few days late but I totally support the LGBTQ+ community. I might be bi but I don't know for sure right now but I am an ally even if I do turn out to be straight. I'm just questioning rn. Anyways I hope you enjoy your day!  :)


Thank you for adding my twin mates to your reading list I hope you enjoy!!!


@lordexvil Thank you very much! You are an amazing author


@lionessreader03 there will be an update by the end of this week :)) 


@lordexvil I've already read all of it. I'm just patiently waiting for the next update. Also, your welcome.