
Chapter tomorrow. I promise. I’m so exhausted tonight…everything is almost done I swear. I’m really sorry guys. Thank you so so much for being patient, it means the world. I hope you can understand the delay.
          	Much Love,


Chapter tomorrow. I promise. I’m so exhausted tonight…everything is almost done I swear. I’m really sorry guys. Thank you so so much for being patient, it means the world. I hope you can understand the delay.
          Much Love,


At this point I’m hoping to get the chapter out by tonight or tomorrow night. Things are getting busy in my life…but I really want to close the book to take at least a little weight off of my shoulders. I’m working super hard, but luckily the chapter is long so hopefully it’ll be worth the wait when I finally finish it <3
          Much love,


Wow okay…guess who’s alive?! I had an amazing vacay and an iffy first 2 weeks at school. As much as I want to release this frickin chapter for you guys, I’m really not in the right headspace to craft it. I’m gonna try to write a little everyday this weekend, so hopefully it’ll be out next week. If not, I’ll make an effort to announce it. Once again, be sure to look through my reading lists and check out those works while you wait.
          Much Love,


Welp, clearly schedules don’t work for me because I completely forgot to write! I am truly so sorry! I’ve been very busy packing for my trip and preparing for school to start back up :,) I’ll post a chapter today, then I’m going to take a break during my vacay. Probably will post Sunday, August 8th as well, that’s the day I’m going home! Once again I’m extremely apologetic for my forgetfulness, I don’t know how it slipped through my mind! New chapter will be up by tonight.
          Much Love,


Hey everyone! I’m about to publish the next chapter of My Dove, but I wanted to give you guys an update about my posting schedule for the next few weeks! I’m going on vacation, but I’m going to pre-write the chapters so I can release them while I’m there. I may have to move some dates around in case I’m extra busy one day, but this is what I’m aiming for. There are 4 more chapters (including today’s) and an epilogue, and then that’s it! After that I’ll be taking a small break as I enter my junior year of college :( But once that’s over I’ll be starting a new story that I’m SUPER excited about! Anyways, here’s the schedule:
          Chapter 13: 7/20
          Chapter 14: 7/24
          Chapter 15: 7/28
          Chapter 16: 7/31
          Epilogue: 8/4
          New chapter is up now, go read!


Hi! Quick update: I’m working on the next chapter atm, but things are moving very slowly for some reason! I know what I want to happen, but I just can’t word it for some reason. In addition, I’m currently recovering from a very tiring beach week :) Making an effort to get this chapter out by Friday! <3
          Much Love,


Besties :,) I’m experiencing INTENSE writer’s block! I’m about halfway done with this upcoming chapter and i’m really pushing to get it out tomorrow! Please bear with me as I get through this slow spot! (good news is this chapter contains the valentines day party, and lots of TEA will be spilled!!)
          much love,


Ok I KNOW I said Sunday for the next chapter, BUT I was really excited for this one, so I wrote it all today  It’s a super pivotal chapter, and I edited it so it’s exactly 1500 words (Even numbers ) Go check it out!!
          much love,




just now realizing emojis dont get posted on conversations?? um hello??


Hey guys!! Just wanted to let you know that me taking 2 days for this next chapter will probably not be temporary! I may start upping it to three days. The reason for this is that I feel like my writing has been rushed, and I want it to be better quality! While you wait, be sure to check out my reading list for some AMAZING Bucky fanfics that aren’t by me! 
          much love