
Hello, you probably won't see this but, do you have any other accounts? Like in ao3 or ffn. ?? Cuz I rarely go to wattpad anymore and I'm afraid that wattpad would delete your story since its been deleting a lot of my favorite stories, if you see this thank you for writing "what if" it is such an amazing story!


Just Wondering when youll update What If. I started reading it and Honestly im loving it. Although I do have one concern.  At the Beginning of the stpry, why didnt Voldemort just use Avada Kadavra to kill dumbledore then?


I'm working on the next chapter now! Don't worry chicken it'll be up soon. 
            Voldemort wanted Dumbledore to see his plan succeed. He wanted Dumbledore to each Harry die and know that he failed, that why he didn't kill him. 