
          	Okay yes I haven’t been around a lot but that’s another story.
          	My amazing and talented best friend @thewalkingdaryl has published their first book!!!! It’s called The Otherside of Andy by Daryl Walker. It’s available on ebook AND as a book book. It’s on Amazon! Go check it out!!


          Okay yes I haven’t been around a lot but that’s another story.
          My amazing and talented best friend @thewalkingdaryl has published their first book!!!! It’s called The Otherside of Andy by Daryl Walker. It’s available on ebook AND as a book book. It’s on Amazon! Go check it out!!


Greetings readers. Hope you all are well.
          I have seen many of you reading my criminal minds fic and I hope you’re enjoying it! I’m sorry the second part isn’t ready yet. I have a lot going on currently so writing is on the back burner for about a month or so. But fear not I will be back to writing again. 


Alright guys, I know it looks like Bitten in Love has gone which in technicality it has, but that’s only because I am so disappointed in it that I have unpublished it to make it better. I rushed to get it out because I thought it would be amazing and it really isn’t.
          So bare with me. It will be back when I’m happy with it.      
          I am also working on a piece with a very dear friend sooo watch this space. 


Hey Readers I am so so sorry I haven't uploaded in a few days. Te family computer (the only computer) decided to give up the ghost on us and so we have had to wait for our newish old one to be delivered and here it is! I'm back and I will be posting more of Bitten In Love as I think of ideas.


Dear readers, 
          I have decided to stop writing my Take You To My Castle Far Away. The inspiration is no longer there for the series. So rather than force myself to write something that would probably be terrible, I will leave it where it is.
          As for my other works, I’m not sure if or when I will update them.
          All your comments and votes are appreciated and mean a lot 
          ~Me out


I’ve been thinking about stopping it for a while because I’m just not feeling it anymore 


@lillyeve16  Awww, that's too bad! But maybe the inspiration will come back from it's road trip at some point, and you can bring it out of hibernation.


Very cool on your win in the Sweets Awards! You should probably add this to your book description, it tends to attract attention when people are scrolling through the lists looking for a good read. I have all of the contests I've placed in on the title pages of my books if you want to look at an example of what I'm talking about. And why not try another contest? Who knows, you could hit a streak!


Thank you. I may do but for now I’m leaving it as it is. I want people to read my work because they want to not because I placed in a competition. 


Dear followers, 
          Here is a note to say, no matter how bad you are feeling or how terrible your day is, remember that I think you are amazing and you should smile because you are a wonderful person. Or if you don't want to smile, have a spoonful of nutella because everyone knows Nutella makes things better! Don't like to yourself ;) 
          I'm having a tough time at the moment, but remember no matter how bad things get, someone thinks you are awesome.
          ~Love me