
Alright so here's the thing if you actually read my stuff you would quickly realize none of it is finished. The simple reason to that is I have so many ideas in my head that I just have to get them into a book asap. Even if I'm not finished with my other ones. Just bare with me I will get more content out.... eventually xD


We thought we should praise you like we should ( Nothing to do with listerning to Mobi at the time naturally)  lillbluidtiger for your charming votes on  I'm a Cyborg's Pet . We drone deliver you hugs. 
          ps. All hail the New Mechanical Order. :)


Alright so here's the thing if you actually read my stuff you would quickly realize none of it is finished. The simple reason to that is I have so many ideas in my head that I just have to get them into a book asap. Even if I'm not finished with my other ones. Just bare with me I will get more content out.... eventually xD