
Diana has been updated! go check chapter 3 & 4! comment and vote!


Hey, could you check out my book 'EMPIRE'. It would mean the world to me and if you comment and vote! Thank you so much! x i will maybe dedicate future chapters to you. Add it to your library for more!  love your bio so much wow


@calumthehood sure hun! will do :) tnx by the way! I'll just go check it now


hiiiiiiii can you help me read vote and comment on my new story? its in my profile and if you could also add it to your library thatll be awesome! x


@nouvels sure love! I'll go check it! and I'm makin an IG account in like...two weeks when my exams r over so I can put it there as well :) and that would mean a lot if u read mine as well ;) love lia Xx


oh my goodness, i cant think of college rn haha


@-runawaystyles yep, I know. azari people r from either Azarbayjan country or a state with same name herr in iran. they speak turkish tbw. I prefer freedom but here we have to wear hijab even if u r not muslim bc the country's governement is islamic repoblic. they respect all religions perfectly though and with no sidetakin and preduice tnx god.


@lililoona hahhha idk what country azarian's are from oh ofc its like a muslim rule, everyone in the middle east or if ur muslim needs to wear it when u get older. same here but us christians are more free on what we wear except we need to dress properly when in church bc u know priests get temptations too


@-runawaystyles I'm half british; half Azarian but I live in Iran. the place is cool itself really; lots of places 2 explore, many delicious food and perdect weather where I live, but ppl? not my kind really. I couldn't communicate properly till a few years ago cause they didn't know proper Eng!or when I used a british joke; frase or sth I translated 2 eng there was always mishunderstandings :( and when I was younger they used to stare at my maroon coloured hair (I need to use hijab now that I've grown up. it's a rule here ) and my pitch black eyebrows. freaks. genetic mixes suck :(


Thank you for the votes!! 


@TheSadnessInside thank you so much love! that would be awesome! you just made my night :) oh! and new chapter of ptf was just sizzels! great job!


@lililoona Of course I will! Thank you so much for everything I really appreciate it!! It really makes me happy you like the story! Same xx !!


@TheSadnessInside  never mind love. Your story is amazing :) would you do me a favor and check my story? your idea would mean a LOT to me. You are an amazing writer and having your idea about it would be just beyond fab :) 
            Loads of love xoxo