
Hey guys, it’s been almost a year now and most of y’all probably thought that I forgot about Wattpad. I did in fact forget about it for a little bit which is why That’s Not Us On Canera currently says finished, because I just left it and never actually finished it so I made a crappy ending.
          	I currently am working on a different book right now, but i’m planning on going back and fixing up the other book to give it it’s proper ending and fix info gaps.
          	I really hope people like the book and my new book coming soon.
          	I’m 11 chapters deep right now so once I have a concrete plan of where this book is going, i’m going to start publishing the chapters.
          	I hope everyone had a great summer and good luck with school coming up.
          	Me :D


Hey guys, it’s been almost a year now and most of y’all probably thought that I forgot about Wattpad. I did in fact forget about it for a little bit which is why That’s Not Us On Canera currently says finished, because I just left it and never actually finished it so I made a crappy ending.
          I currently am working on a different book right now, but i’m planning on going back and fixing up the other book to give it it’s proper ending and fix info gaps.
          I really hope people like the book and my new book coming soon.
          I’m 11 chapters deep right now so once I have a concrete plan of where this book is going, i’m going to start publishing the chapters.
          I hope everyone had a great summer and good luck with school coming up.
          Me :D


Hey everyone! So if you are currently reading my book 'That's Not Us on Camera' I put a really important message at the beginning of the book, like before the first chapter, but I'll sum up everything here as well. 
          To start off, I'm incredibly sorry to everyone who's reading my book because of just how messy it is.
          There's a few info gaps, possible times where I said different names for the same person, or I messed up information, so as I'm writing more chapters, I will also be going back and slowly fixing all of that up.
          So, please bear with me while I do that :)
          Also, I don't know how many chapters this book is going to be, but I do know how I am planning to end the book, and with that plan, there will be a second book.
          Also, there's a lot of chapters that I need to go back in and add warnings about certain parts and I need to make other parts more logical and just I need to make the book make sense. To everyone who is reading my book right now, thank you for sticking with me, and I'm sorry about how terribly messy the book is.
          I'll be working on fixing it as much as I work on writing more chapters, but yeah.
          That's all for now though so please, have an amazing night, day, and morning, Peace! <3


So I just went back and I thought on one of my chapters I put a huge thing about suicide provebtion and rape, but I just went through and it never posted on the part, so today after school I am going to be going back through, putting information in that chapter and a few others, as well as i’ll make an announcement with information because these topics are really hard for me so I want to help anyone out there who needs it. Stay safe and have a great day morning and night. I love you all! Peace <3


Bro I accidentally put We Love Our Friends by Sam and Colby along with the Traphouse Anthem by Jake Webber in my writing playlist and those two songs play like every 20 minutes and at this point i have all of the lyrics memorized and there’s been times where I almost incorporated the lyrics in parts of the book


So I have 18 drafts rn and I know by next week by like Monday imma have over 30 drafts if I don't do a spam post, so since I'm not at school today (I found Colby this morning so I stayed home from school to clean him and comfort him) I'm gonna post a bunch of drafts to get the story moving a little bit, then I'm be back on Thursday/Friday with just one post. So rn I'm posting mon, tues, thurs, fri, with occasional spam posts :)


this message may be offensive
Update: We might’ve saw him on our doorbell cam but when we went out to see whatever cat was out there was long gone. I have school in 6 hours and i’m terrified now bc my mom thinks that he got scared when my brother got home and got out past him without him realizing. But my brother got home before the last time I saw him so I got no clue now but all I know is I feel like shit now and don’t want to go to school in the morning. I swear this has never happened before except 3 years ago with Izzy when my brothers ex-girlfriend was house sitting while we were on vacation. Izzy stayed around though and came back inside when my brother came back for work. Why are animals so curious, it’s very annoying sometimes


Y’all it is midnight rn and my cat Colby got into light a fight or smtg with my other cat Izzy like 3 hours ago (not bad just pissed each other off) and now we haven’t seen him since. I just know he’s in the house curled up somewhere being pissy, but my mom decided it’s the perfect time to go outside and wake up my entire family to search their rooms for him, but fun fact he’s terrified of going outside, whenever I open a door he sprints away. Now the fun part, waiting for him to show up and I leave at like 6:50am for school. If this cat does not show up before I leave for school I will be commuting mass murder.


In the last 2 days I have written 12 chapters, i'm honestly so excited to start getting them all out for you guys now. I've started to begin to look at this book from afar and I think I know around how many chapters this book will have and it honestly depending how I take that there might be more then one book, still gotta decide on that. But i'm just excited for this book to go places y'know? Anyways, I hope y'all are enjoying the book, Peace! :)


Hey guys! So I just published Chapter 18, so now there’s 18.5 chapters to this book out there. I’ve run out of drafts though because I haven’t been able to make any this week because of school and the amount of homework I’ve had. I’m sorry about that, but tomorrow after school, saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday (it’s a holiday so we have monday and tuesday off) i’ll dedicated my time to writing at much as I can, while still making them really good chapters, so that i’ll have some to post next week. I think i’m going to go with the 4 day option, mon, tues, thurs, fri, you’ll see this coming tuesday, if i post on that day I chose the 4 day option. But that is all for now! I hope you all have a great day, morning, and night! Peace! :)