
I _hate_ panic attacks.


I really enjoyed reading your book How to Judge People so I decided to make a cover for you! You can find it on chapter xvii of my book Asymmetrical. If you want a better one, you can ask @HotnessNCoolness. She makes the best covers :)


@bundledchaos I'm sorry. I can't find it. :/


@bundledchaos you're welcome! Hope you've done that by now :)


That's really awesome! Thanks. I'll check it out :) (I'm on my phone right now, it'll be a bit tedious.) Thanks a ton! I really appreciate it! :)


Well, I've updated. After I pass this grade though, I shall update a lot of my stories and so, don't worry. You'll have an ending. Anyway, I've updated today. A rant. Kinda personal. Guilty in a way, and it still sounds okay to me and like it's no big deal and I feel stupid about it. Ah, well. And I haven't notified my followers of this update! xD But, thank you for following me. All of you <3


@butterflys_dust I know she's not dead, it was a joke. She is resting in a coffin in the Salvatore tomb until Bonnie dies, then she'll wake up. And what's worse? Being asleep for the next 60 years or living for the next 60 years without  your love, knowing that they'd be back soon, and giving Bonnie's luck, she's probably going to die or get turned at around 24. So I'd say being asleep for 60 years is worse. Especially if you can feel the time slowly passing. Do you still weep for Damon? Who would you rather be?


            You know, sigh. I rewatched TVD -- and season 8 and all that -- and _man_ COULDNT BONNIE BE WITH ENZO????? UGH. FREAKING. ALSO. Yes, I agree with you; It was tough for Elena.


@FluorescentFictions *Wahhhh* TVD. SUCH FEELS! I never thought of it this way. Maybe I sympathise with Damon cuz I can just relate to him more than Elena. :/ Huh. Though, I'd rather be Elena. I dunno - maybe cuz I relate to Damon already and so a change seems nice? I dunno. I'm not saying Elena has any less pain - it' just a different kind of pain. TVD, man. Such feels :'(