
I might be posting a new story soon. It's a contemporary kind of thing and It's gonna be cute and fun I promise 


I need scream text me into falling for you to update before I break down and cry when it finally starts again I'm going to actually cry and scream and my dorm mate is going to think I have lost my mind  I just really really really love that story!!!


HI there! I just wanted to tell you how much I love "scream text me". I have lost count of how many times I've read it, and I barely read the same fanfic twice so that surprised even me. It's just such a lighthearted, cute, fun, and wonderful fic ♥ that being said I hope your writer block gets better (I write too, so I know the suffering), your fans would be patiently waiting for the next chapters, so never feel pressured and post something you're not 100% happy with. Thank you for making me smile :) .


awwwww omg you just made my day. The fact that you took time to write that message means the world to me. I almost never re-read fics either so I am truly honored.  I'm very glad I made you smile and I hope I'll be able to do so again in the future. "Scream text" came out of nowhere if I'm perfectly honest, I just thought it would be a fun thing to write, I never imagined people would actually like it. so really thank YOU for being a lovely human  and reading my fic, and thank you so so so so much for the support. You're awesome. Also if there's anything you'd like to see happen in the fic please let me know! I'm always open to ideas!  (specially since this whole writer's block thing happened) 


No pressure or anything but i am dying if i dont get to read the next chapter of "scream text me into falling for you" xD just joking take your time take all the time you need ... just wanted to remind you that people are patiently waiting and rooting for you to bitch slap that writers block of yours:) Fighting!


@ lightwoodcharm i wont die cause i cant afford to miss the next chapter:D but you are right so like i already said take your time. The wait is worth it:)


hahaha omg pls don't die. I want to continue it so badly, but I know that if I try to write it right now it'll end up being terrible, and that's not what I want to give you guys.  thanks a lot for the support tho!
            oh and don't worry I'm not giving up yet ;)