
Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
happy september everyone! progress is going steady and i have a bit of a longer weekend from class this week, so hoooopefully it should be close to done by the time tuesday rolls around?
          	sorry for the radiosilence for a few days, i promise im not dying for a year again! i just kinda like. fucked up my ankle. i guess the ao3 author curse of awful things happening extends to wattpad authors too [though im also an ao3 author, so i guess thats why? lol]
          	so yeah no im kinda bedbound for a bit [twisted my ankle and i cant tell if its just a bit fucked up or sprained, but its been literally KILLING me since thursday] so ive had nothing better to do than work on the fic. ive been doing a bit of back and forth with other fics though, so sorry if i go radiosilent for a few days again!
          	unsure how long the next chapters gonna be, so im sorry in advance if its a little shorter than youre all used to! <3


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
happy september everyone! progress is going steady and i have a bit of a longer weekend from class this week, so hoooopefully it should be close to done by the time tuesday rolls around?
          sorry for the radiosilence for a few days, i promise im not dying for a year again! i just kinda like. fucked up my ankle. i guess the ao3 author curse of awful things happening extends to wattpad authors too [though im also an ao3 author, so i guess thats why? lol]
          so yeah no im kinda bedbound for a bit [twisted my ankle and i cant tell if its just a bit fucked up or sprained, but its been literally KILLING me since thursday] so ive had nothing better to do than work on the fic. ive been doing a bit of back and forth with other fics though, so sorry if i go radiosilent for a few days again!
          unsure how long the next chapters gonna be, so im sorry in advance if its a little shorter than youre all used to! <3


whoo boy okay. if youve read the fic update and its a/n, hi! you know the basic jist of why i died for another full year.
          now, ive got nothin to say. most of the update was in the a/n, but ill say it again here; ive got a sudden motivation high that i will be riding for as long as i can, upload schedules be damned i will finish this damn chapter and upload it asap. it probably wont come out TONIGHT since its like 8:30pm and ive got class in the morning but by god i will get it done i will literally explode into tiny pieces if i dont IM SO EXCITED TO GET TO THE ACT 1 CLIMAX GRAHAHHHGGHH
          anyway uhh yeah thats about it :3 if you wanna Literally Force Me To Keep Writing Ninjago [/lh] then feel free to send oneshot requests! having a physical backlog of requests is really helpful in making me wanna keep writing, so if you like my stuff but are impatient for a.w.h updates [i do not blame you] then feel free to toss some scenarios my way and ill write them for ya!
          [just.. please ignore my old oneshots they really arent that great imo  i might rewrite them at some point but not nowww lol]


walks onto stage. trips. falls flat on my face.
          so! ok. so i logged in just now. nearly 6 months, maybe more, after the last time i have.
          so, whats new?
          well, for one, i wanna genuinely and sincerely apologize for leaving you all on that awful cliffhanger for literally half a year. im workin on it right now, and considering i have OVER 200 NOTIFS oh my god you guys are insane, im def gonna try uploading over the summer.
          second. ive been notified of a weird trend lately of people uploading unfinished fics into ai??? dont do that thanks. i doubt anyone would go through  the effort of that for wattpad fics, but like, jic, do not do that thanks thats weird.
          third! the reason i havent been very active on here is because ive gotten different interests and have been so incredibly stressed! does a little dance .
          i live in america, unfortunately, and while i do live in a rather safe state, its been a very stressful year for me. thankfully im alright, and though the air quality is getting bad [not as bad as the east of me, thank god, but the midwest is still in range for minor amounts of smoke] ive been safely holed up inside for the most part lol. 
          ive taken most of this time to write and draw mostly for myself, as i was.. really really burnt out of writing for a way home. HOWEVER!! i genuinely believe im alright and up for writing again. ill try my best to get chap 6 out, but i might have to scrap and revamp a few storylines that im not quite happy with anymore.
          thank you for sticking with me this whole time, thank you all for the support [seriously, 267 notifs?!!? i dont even follow any books thats all you guys what the hell!!!!! /pos] and i hope the next chapter doesnt disappoint TOO much. maybe ill even post two for you all as a treat lol


@lifebloodheart understandable dear, take all the time you need, we'll wait for you regardless ❤


ok so . i ended up Completely wrong about that upload date, my bad lol
          im working on it, genuinely, im a good bit in, i just got super distracted over the week lol. i stayed at my partners place :) hope you all had a nice week, and i hope the next chapter, whenever i upload it, is worth the wait <3


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
yo, sorry for a month of radio silence. im thinking on ways to get the next chapter started; sorry for how slow updates are, lol.
          the next chapter is probably gonna be a short one, at least in comparison to chap 5 i think, so ill see if i can get it out over the weekend? or hopefully thanksgiving break; i wanna try and get back into the swing of things for yall, i really appreciate how much love the storys been getting so far! 
          plus im kinda bedridden rn bcos of chronic pain shit, so ive got nothing better to do now that i finished crystalized lol. wish me well! ill be writing for most of the weekend <3
          while im here, ive decided to retcon a few future things, so a few select bits of foreshadowing is pretty much useless. it doesnt impact things TOO much this soon into the story, but ill have to write around it! hopefully youre all fine with that; i just felt a certain idea had been way too cliche for ninjago reader inserts, and wanted to try something different.
          also; chapter count, while still hopefully around 20 or so, may be less or more when its all done! i feel bad about it, as most of my favorite fics that really inspired me here have been way over 20 chapters, but ive never been the type of person who liked to stretch things out past their due date lol. so i hope you can forgive the story being a short one in comparison to others you may be reading.
          that should be all in terms of updates? im trying out a few tricks here to not lose motivation, and ive been tempted to rewrite early chapters to be less.. exposition heavy and repetative, but i feel like ill keep that for when im actually done lol.
          uhhh yeah that should be it for me! if youve got any questions for me or any comments, dont be afraid to reply! ill get to working on the new chapter now! for my followers, heres a hint;
          the next chapter is called "tick tock." do with that what you will :) [and no, the time twins are not involved, nor is s7, lol.]


finally updated a way home  christ that took ages, im so sorry you guys. "tonight or tomorrow" my ass lol (6 months later). its over 6.5k words so i hope it makes up for it slightly?
          i will say, i have.. no idea when the next chapter will come out. could be this week, could be next month, could be another year. idk lol, esp considering the show LITERALLY ENDED WITHIN THE TIME IT TOOK TO FINISH CHAPTER 5 OH MY GOD


current chapter for a way home is currently... a little over halfway done ! speedran that stuff lol. gonna take a break and depending on when i get back into it it should be uploaded either tonight or sometime tomorrow!! sorry for the long wait lol


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@lifebloodheart Take your time and rest and fuck school


ok well that was a lie. hopefully ill be free enough from school to upload it this wee ^^;; i swear its nearly done, im almost 3k words in lol


Are you going to be continuing the ninjago book?


IT’S FINE take your time and rest while you are at it.


@Luna_coz hi oh my god i am legit SO sorry for taking a good two weeks to respond; YES i intend to continue it, and ive got the next chapter somewhat written already. i know its been like. months, but that is partially on me jumping hyperfixations, and partially school kicking me down lol. but! rest assured i do plan on it!
            and honestly just knowing that at least someone wants me to continue gives me enough motivation to start finishing the next chapter lol. i have the whole book outlined damnnit!!! im gonna finish it or ill cry about it !!