
you guysss what is my life its been so freaking long
          	in the meantime i got a boyfriend WHAAAT and also my drivers license. i went to barcelona for my school trip and passed my english exam certification with a great score i think it was the highest between all of the people that did it and i got a C1 im so proud,, school has been kicking my ass so much but ive got 3 weeks left and then im done forever. well not forever bc in october i start uni so there's that. oh and i also got a job so thats nice


you guysss what is my life its been so freaking long
          in the meantime i got a boyfriend WHAAAT and also my drivers license. i went to barcelona for my school trip and passed my english exam certification with a great score i think it was the highest between all of the people that did it and i got a C1 im so proud,, school has been kicking my ass so much but ive got 3 weeks left and then im done forever. well not forever bc in october i start uni so there's that. oh and i also got a job so thats nice


You guys, it's been so long since I've used wattpad. I just haven't had the time between school, studying for my driver's license, and everything...also this year has been craaazy. I went to Ireland for a MONTH back in june-july to work thanks to a school scholarship that I won (mind you there were only 2 spots in the whole school that has 1200 students so I was pretty proud of myself) and then I went on vacation in Norway and then I went on a hike in the mountains and now we have a school trip planned for April and we're either going to Barcelona, Athens or Prague I'm so excited


guys I've gone on this church camp thing (even tho I'm atheist lmao) for a week and I came back home like 5 days ago and when i tell you best experience ever. i made so many new friends, i got more comfortable with being myself around others and there was this girl and we kept flirting and one night they put music on like disco kinda thing and we kept dancing together and my god I love it 


yall this summer has been the best one of my life i love life rn i even have a friend group finally
          ive also gone on this summer camp kinda thing and ive been talking to this guy and he keeps flirting with me and i like him but im so awkard around him and the situation is just ahhhh idk what to do