
i have decided not to continue with any of my stories, i just cant do it anymore, thanks to everyone who likes them, and sorry


hi everyone i am so sorry for not updating recently, i am going through some mental health stuff right now and i just wanted to let you guys know that. i probably wont update for a while sorry


@lgbtqgreysanatomy aww, i hope you start feeling better soon! lots of love to you xx


Hey, I probably won’t update for a few days, we have to put my dog down today, and she is my best friend, so this is going to be really hard, thanks for understanding. I really love you guys, so thank you for reading❤️


@lgbtqgreysanatomy so sorry to hear about your dog sending lots of love xxx


Thank you for all the comments on my book She Moves In Her Own Way 


Lucky you, have a great summer. Stay safe. I work all summer then in September I start uni and will be working at the same time so updating will be double hard. 


@caitlinneil7 yeah, i get it. I have had school, and it made it so hard to update, but it’s summer now so yay


I, glad your enjoying it. I really appreciate the feedback. I’ve worked so hard on it. I’m still working on it, just not so much be I have to work. 


Hi! I just found your profile but I love your profile picture so much! Did you make it or did someone make it for you?


hey, sorry to everyone if i haven’t been updating as much i know i dont have any followers, but if anyone likes imagine or merders life im sorry for not updating i got my appendix removed earlier this week and i am recovering. i will have another chapter of imagine later today, and another for merders life maybe tomorrow.