
I wanna die but ig I'll update instead


@sleepyspacegay i don't want you to die! You my buddy! *cries* ~^~


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Ugh fuck okay I'm gonna be honest I have no motivation to write even one chapter for Show Me What You Got someone help


Hey everyone its me again and I'm just going to write the second one and then later I'll do the other one. Its probably going to be a gumlee fanfic since I have a cover for it but I could make a different one for a pairing you want to see.


Hello everyone! I need something from you guys. I have two ideas for a new fanfic and I need you guys to tell me which one you would like to read. 
          1.) {I got this idea last night while I was asleep} so this guy goes to a music fest. He is watching all the bands play and this one band comes on and while they're playing, the lead singer and him make eye contact and throughout the three days they get to know each other and fall in love.
          2.) {I got THIS idea while looking at fanatt a coiple days ago & from reading another fanfic but I'm going to altar it} Every fist born male in a royal family has to find a princess to get married to and become king. Well one day while this princess is visiting {I don't know what paring ill use for these yet} she brings her brother and the prince she went to see starts to fall in love with her brother and I'm not going to say anymore or it will spoil it.
          Please tell me which one you like better and comment some parings you would like to see in the books!