
" The Invisible Girl" has reached 14k Views , thank you so much for your suppport.


Has it ever happened to you that you look your cast for a story and you feel as if you holding auditions? It does happen to me. I recasted Jeremy in the "The Invisible Girl" series and I was looking around for actors every in the internet. Such a strange feeling. Has someone felt the same?


Lectores de " Eternamente Inseparables",necesito ayuda para decidir el final de el libro, por ello he colocado una encuesta en twitter con el fin de que me ayuden a elegir si Will y Lyra deben quedar juntos o no. Agradezco de antemano el tiempo y el apoyo que me han brindado, sin ustedes este cuarto libro no hubiera existido. Les estoy eternamente agradecida. Un abrazo y un beso a todos. 