
I'm sorry I haven't been reading your work lately, I've been very busy. I want to let you know that you're doing excellent on your stories and that I think I have an idea for a story. It deals with a song and it's "Heavy" by Linkin Park and I want it to revolve around Kit Walker. It's about a girl who's in the asylum and she was accused of a crime she didn't commit and was declared insane by the court and she's taken to the asylum. She's been in there for awhile and when Kit comes in, she hears his story and she believes that he didn't commit those murders and he believes her story as well but she's been mistreated by the staff there and she's been experimented on and she feels that everything is "heavy" around her and Kit helps her out and they fall in love.


@ CheyShey2 no i m sorry because i didn't update for a while!  Thanks a lot for your support you can't imagine how much it s important for me!! That s a really great idea because i wanted to write something about linkin park to pay a tribute to Chester but i didn't know what. But you gave me an amazing request so thank you and i ll write it ASAP