
Soz for not writing eny thing I have major writers block and I have two more story's in my head


Hi there,
          I'm new on Wattpad and it’s my first time writing a story on this platform! 
          I've poured my heart and soul into this project, and I would love to hear your thoughts on it. If you have a moment, I would be incredibly grateful if you could check out my book and share your feedback with me. Your opinion will really help me grow as a writer. Thank you so much in advance for your time and support!
          And of course same thing goes for you, if you need me to check one of your story I’ll be happy to help and make friends :)
          Have a nice day! 


Aww thanks for the follow back !!


@MingyuKook2 , nope unfortunately i don't sorry i have and account but i dont have any videos ^^ 


My YouTube account is Vick-Angel phantomhive