
almost at 50 followers!!! would you guys like anything? 


Also, as we approach 10K reads on LuNi, I'd like to thank you all for your support and patience for the next chapters of Uki's story. I hope I can continue to share a story you love to read! 
          As always, it would mean a lot if you pressed the ☆ on your favourite chapters! It motivates me and helps share Uki's story :D


also I'm working on fallen stars,, I really love chapter 4 but I think I'm going to have to move it to much later/make it a bonus chapter that's not canon/rewrite the end. Otherwise I'll stay stuck. 


@leifite OK, cool,just take your time. Greatness doesn't come quick


@OtakuXXX7 BROOO I'm still trying to figure out the fourth sobs. but I'm on break now so hopefully I can get into #4 / #5 and start publishing soon


@leifite Wait!!!! How many chaps have you done now?"


I kind of want to title Rie's story after a constellation, but Uki's is the space one... Maybe "Reine Rose"? No... It's hard, I feel like the good names are all in the chapter titles I've made. Blood soaked wisteria? Silly. Too long. Save Me From Death? Not bad, but not exactly Rie-ish. And too long. Dear Detective? It pops up a lot in original planning, but bland for a title. I don't know...
          Also yes! I will eventually write Rie's story on here. Right now, though, I'm writing Uki's and drawing Rie's, and I intend to see both through.