
soo;; i'm leaving this account. my interests have grown to far from what i did on this account. i'm no longer into roleplaying, and honestly just want to write books now. i'll start a new account in a few minutes. if you want more information, ask me for it.


@trickythesylveon it's just @remedies_ again. Nothin' fancy.


@left_account_  What's your... new account?


soo;; i'm leaving this account. my interests have grown to far from what i did on this account. i'm no longer into roleplaying, and honestly just want to write books now. i'll start a new account in a few minutes. if you want more information, ask me for it.


@trickythesylveon it's just @remedies_ again. Nothin' fancy.


@left_account_  What's your... new account?


@ every one of my past and/or current friends:
          I'm sorry for being such a horrible friend, distancing myself so far from everyone and everything. I didn't mean to; I was going through a lot of stuff, mentally, and I was trying not to hurt anyone whatsoever. Guess I sorta failed that, huh? Trying to seclude myself isn't the best way to keep friendships, it just hurts every one in the long run.
          ... Regardless, I hope that, if you're willing, that we can continue to be friends, despite the fact that I've been a horrible one these past few months...


I might not be on for quite a while due to... Family issues (I might be getting taken away from my mom bc my school says that she shows signs of a mental abuser and tbh I totally agree-), so, uh, sorry ?


@remedies_ Stay safe Ara. Don't let social services or CASA or whoever you're stuck with boss you around. You're not a little kid, you have a voice and they're supposed to be there to help you. 