
Hey guys, I wanted to apologize if you got a bunch of unfollow/follow notifications from me, I was adding people back that I hadn’t added back yet and it was glitching really bad.. I hope everyone’s doing well with everything going on!


Hey guys, I wanted to apologize if you got a bunch of unfollow/follow notifications from me, I was adding people back that I hadn’t added back yet and it was glitching really bad.. I hope everyone’s doing well with everything going on!


this message may be offensive
YoU kNoW wHaT, fUcK hErMiOnE gRaNgEr.  
          I'm TrYiNg
          I died-


Oml I’m sfs I get what you mean now... yes I died to when I first saw it 


I LOVE UR BACKGROUND/ THEME THINGY ITS GOLD (also thanks for following me b but i have crappy books so idk why u following me)


If that makes any sense 


Thanks, and I’m following you because I cant quite remember but it was funny so I followed you and don’t worry about the books because mine are probably worse. 
            Though just a tip:
            Don’t publish a chapter in your story until your done with the book
            Because if you take forever to update then they will probably leave and go to another book!