
@xXBluedreamerXx Oh, no problem! Thanks for becoming a fan uvu


Started a new book. I thought a lot about Forest of Fear and it's reached its end. So, I have begun a new book. The book is a series of short stories of true events that happened to me. In it, it has stories of my life, lessons, an experiences and above all, the humor that comes with it.


Soooo, Let's talk about something I've been wanting to address for some time now: m inactivity. I know I've been inactive. I know I haven't been contributing often. And I know I haven't updated. Truth be told, I'm losing interest in this website. I still like to write, but I'm currently more interested in drawing. As for my book, I don't think it will update very soon. If you followed the book and really really want to know what happens in the end, message me and I'll answer privately. This account for the time being will stay and will be used for small stories every once in a while. I'm sorry if this poses any inconveniences and I'd love to thank all my amazing followers for putting up with my delays. I love each and everyone of you and I'm letting you know that I will log on every day to check for notifications. Thank you all for your kindness, patience, and time of day. I love you all,


Hey. PSSST! To all my followers, good luck in the new school year. I thank each and every one of you for following, reading, and being extremely supportive. I really cant thank you guys enough.So, yeah. Thanks a million and good luck in school and stay classy.


Hello fans and friends! I am not going to leave you to wonder where I have been and where my book is going. Therefore, I am taking a break from my book (Forest of Fear) to think about a few things regarding said story. I'll still be on wattpad to check for any notifications so feel free to contact me via my inbox or that little chat box on the corner of the screen. So have a great rest of the summer and stay sassy. 


Hey howdy hey! Long time no talk! How's everyone doing? So now to my point so I won't clog anyone's inbox: I will not be here from June 28th to around July 20th. Soooo, that means no updates. But, while I'm away I will find some time to sit and write down new material for the story. Hope everyone has a great summer!