
does anybody out here loves the products from Flower Knows or currently owns them? I’m really trying to gain new opinions since I’m planning to buy this May


i honestly never thought it would hurt me this much to see him finally treating someone else better than he ever did to me, to see him change his ways to make that person happy while i had to beg for the bare minimum and had to do everything in the relationship for it to not fall apart.


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@Baby_Dumbass thank you, i learnt to be happy on my own and accept that  i was once just someone he liked because it’s convenient but never going to pursue me  just came across their feeds n i felt a little hurt 


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@lay_oreoo fuck him. He's a dick if he treats someone better than you. This only proves that you were too good for him and that he went from dating a bad bitch to dating a simple bitch. Don't let him hurt you, he doesn't deserve your tears. You will find that one guy that will treat you like his world.