
Thank you for continuing to read and vote on Claudius' adventures in ancient Rome.  I have the next chapter ready and plan to update maybe Tuesday. Must push on after the Christmas break to get the thing finished.


Wow, you've caught up and now I have *more* pressure to get cracking! Should upload in a day or so--this pesky real life keeps me away from the keyboard sometimes. Ugh!
          I'm working on the next chapter that sees Claudius in Rome and about to reach his first plot point. Only he doesn't know it ;) 
          Thank you so much for reading and voting, I appreciate it.


Thanks very much for the votes for my lightly humorous novel set in ancient Rome. I hope you enjoy it! Do let me know what you think--it really helps me to improve. 
          Your work looks intriguing. I checked the first part, like your writing, and Kudos to you for attempting, and finishing, one of those novels-in-a-month. I shall read on...