
I AM BACK EVERYONE!! new chapter is up! i'm so sorry about my writer's block. it's been a while but i am ready to get back into the swing of things and update more regularly! thank you again for 1K reads, the support is tremendous and is literally what keeps me going. sending all my love, and please vote and share!! ily <333


I AM BACK EVERYONE!! new chapter is up! i'm so sorry about my writer's block. it's been a while but i am ready to get back into the swing of things and update more regularly! thank you again for 1K reads, the support is tremendous and is literally what keeps me going. sending all my love, and please vote and share!! ily <333


GUYS GUYS GUYS WE MADE IT TO 1K READS! i used to never understand why authors would get so excited to get a certain number of reads but i finally understand. this literally means the world to me and i love you all so much <33 the next chapter is still in the works, i'm including an excerpt from a book (that i'm making up) that is taking a ton of time to plan out and i also have had such an insane schedule the past few weeks, but my goal is to get the new chapter out this weekend!! again ily all <33


hey bbs! i just wanted to let you know that I AM ALIVE and i'm still working on getting a new chapter out. school has been killing me recently (I'm in my junior year of high school, which is said to be the hardest year, and i'm thinking they're right, lol) and it's been leaving me super unmotivated. but i'm ready to come back and start posting more regularly! so i hope to have the next chapter out in a few days, and i'm hoping to stick to more of a schedule after that. ily all <333


working on the new chapter rn!! what’s ur fav harry era? i’m torn between gof and hbp (some ppl hate the long hair but i literally love it) and also dh1 is growing on me, like when he’s looking at the snitch???? AHHHHH  but he’s so gorgeous in ootp too. ugh i’m torn i cant decide!! point is all harry eras are superior >>


new chapter up!! this one was a PROCESS to get through but i did it and i really hope you all like it!! lmk what you want to see in the book. i have some things in the works but i’d really love to hear from my readers! sending love <33 laur


hi beautiful people! i am alive and i promise another chapter is coming! i’ve been traveling for spring break with my family so it’s been hard to find time or write, but i am hoping to put together a regular schedule to do i can have normal updates! ily all, my book has so many more reads than i was expecting already so thank you so so much to everyone who’s read it <33 all my love


hi beautiful people! I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTER IS COMING! i took the SAT today and i have had so much going on with school but i should have more time to write later this week, so i am hoping to get it done soon. thank you to anyone who is waiting for being so patient, ily <33


hi beautiful people! i'm working on the newest chapter but i just wanted to jump on here and say that i am currently obsessed with wandavision and everyone should watch it. like literally obsessed it's absolutely amazingggg. ok now i should really get back to work lol see you later :)


hi everyone! i hope to have chapter six up tomorrow! i have a draft for it right now but i really am not loving it so i'm going to take an extra day to fix it up and make sure i'm happy with it! thank you to all of you who are reading the book, you are my favorite people ever!! <33 much love to all of you


hi beautiful people! chapter five is up!! thank you to anyone who's been waiting for being so patient. also, if you like the story, pls vote and share it with anyone you think would like it as well! and if you don't like it, i'd honestly love to hear feedback on how i can make it better! ily all <33