
active, mis amores!!


currently #prayingformanchester ♡
          as a fellow Arianator, it sucks that my fellow stans in Manchester have to go through this terrorist mess. all my best wishes go to the families of the victims that were at the arena.
          i wish the world never came to this. i wish that there weren't power-crazed maniacs that think killing innocent children / teenagers + splitting up families is a way to get their point across. it's a shame that power goes above solitude.
          — rachel


hello lovelies!
          i just wanted to say that we're currently STILL looking for admins. 
          reminder: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LATINO / HISPANIC. this account was created as a way to, not only, reveal latino + hispanic struggles, but just everyday struggles in society. this is also a community page; you know, one that creates rants and all that other good stuff.
          so, after seeing this, if you're interested co-owning an account either message us in our PMs or comment on 'meet the admins'
          — rachel