
hello hello, im bored and have much a lot of time, should i make a new graphics shop,,,?


Hey, hey.
          So, I really never planned to do this, but I'll be going on a semi-hiatus! Well, I might need to. Some unfortunate and stress inducing events have occurred and I feel like it's invaded my 'personal space' here on wattpad, and I don't want that.
          I haven't been doing request and I apologize a lot for that, I just haven't had the time to sit down and work on them!
          But I can reassure that the break won't be so long! I'll hopefully be better in no time. Maybe I'll change some stuff on this account, but I'll still be the smol case of low-self esteem and bucket of insecurities!
          Also I plan to get photoshop one day so my graphics are more improved and better, so when I come back, I'll probably immediately get back to the request and make sure to finish them and make new stuff along the way!
          Waaah~ was this too much? I'm sorry, but I hope this helps inform you guys about what's going on! ;;
          I'm sooo sorry, and I'll miss you people while I take this break--I'll be much better though!!


@lastreality- honestly i had no idea. i had a hunch. Literally, i was like: you know this is something Metronry would say. aND BAM! REVEALED--
            WaaaaHH, thankyousomuch *throws cookies* 
            (I actually did get photoshop, but it won't work because of the scratch disk thingie, *sobs*)