
Just an update, in the middle of a training camp rn- expect new chapter before next weekend :)
          	Was writing it for some time but wasnt happy with it so started from scratch. Sry for the wait


@Greylowk of course! A new chapter should be out today :)


@lasershock_ oh ok thx for explain It for us


Just an update, in the middle of a training camp rn- expect new chapter before next weekend :)
          Was writing it for some time but wasnt happy with it so started from scratch. Sry for the wait


@Greylowk of course! A new chapter should be out today :)


@lasershock_ oh ok thx for explain It for us


Hey guys! Due to the fact that I have finals in the upcoming weeks, I will take a break from my bi weekly chapters. Expect the next chapter to be released around the 24th (maybe sooner maybe later)
          Sorry for the delay and short notice :)
          (Btw we are in the final arc for The Fall of Alacrya so...yeah )
          And if you have any ideas, thoughts or suggestions on how you want the story to play out, feel free to let me know!
          Thank you for reading my stories,


@lasershock_ do arthur x agrona x kezess fr


(This post is about TBATE | The Fall of Alacrya
          Hey guys hyd…
          Good? Great same anyway
          I am planning to write a school invasion arc with Lucas being reintroduced (I miss that guy tbh lol)
          The plot will obviously be different and it will be my first multiple chapter arc that I will write…ever
          Would you guys be fine with reading another school invasion arc, with my own twist ofc, or are you guys tried of it and want something new and different?
          On another note, some people were confused on Grey’s powers so let me break it down in this post.
          Remember this is as far as the ff has progressed, his powers will change as new things will be discovered about himself.
          - He has a normal human body with a Dicathen type MANA core. Currently he is dark silver.
          - He can see aether particles but cannot influence them in anyway. 
          - He is a Quadra elemental with 2 deviants, ice and lightning.
          - He has a mysterious rune on his back. We don’t rly know what it does or how to use it. Mana doesn’t work with it.
          - He has a phoenix beast will that he doesn’t know how to use yet.
          - He has some of Bellia’s memories. Including but not limited too, aether, the asura, and Agrona. How much of those memories he has in unknown 
          - His physical features are wheat-blond hair, pale skin and golden eyes. We don’t know how or why. We just assume he is born this way.
          - And ofc he has memories of his past life, hates Cecila, mixed emotions on Nico and is driven by revenge against Cecila but is trying to not let this revenge corrupt this mind.
          This is pretty much it! Thank you for reading my fanfiction and I will see you in my next chapter!!


@lasershock_ Hmm..... Ig both would be good. It depends on you, which of the one seems better to you. I'm good with both of the ideas


Okay so my Tbate- A traitor fanfic is coming to an end. So I have a question for you. 
          What would you like to see next? 
          I’m thinking about doing a Tbate-Ships…fanfic where I give a few chapters for ArtxCeara…they get a happy ending, and then I move on for a few chapters with ArtxSeris and so on. Maybe like 10 chapters for each ship or something. But then there is a plot twist at the end of it (ofc lol)
          Just drop your ideas in the comments below so then on my last chapter for Tbate a Traitor we could all vote to see which one gets implemented. 
          Btw to end of the current fanfic off strong I will be posting 1 chapter a day (I already finished them so don’t worry they wont be rushed; although they will be shorter since it will mostly be fights) until it ends! With that being said here is a sneak peak of tmrs chapters.
          "Are you showing me the relictombs?" I asked.
          The aether brightening, then dimmed.
          I'll take that as a yes...
          I then tried to turn time back. Again the aether shifted, but not into a painting; it moved all around me. The space grew brighter and brighter. Aether poured in from all around me, like waves splashing down at you in the ocean. My core refilled as my eyes adjusted to the bright environment, trying to take everything in. 
          I was inside the painting...
          Skyscrapers towered over me as I could see people…
          Enjoy :)


@Whatever02187 thank you❤️❤️


@lasershock_ . Congrats for 50 followers btw


@Whatever02187 not really…less then a month for sure tho


I just finished the outlines until the end of the fanfic. It will have 30 chapters total (7 more to go) and will end with Arthur making a final choice about (spoiler)
          Thank you all so much for reading and I really really hope that you all enjoyed so far.
          Here is a little spoiler for the next Chapter
          “An Eye for an Eye”
          Look at your world...Sylvie. Does it look blind? She pulled her head from and chest and looked around. Hundreds of buildings filled the lonely rugged town I had been born in. Sidewalks of pavement have been placed and shops have been reopened.
          Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Alacryans all shopped and traded. There was clear and obvious tension. Both sides hated each other. But they got along, as to not destroy each other.
          "Not everyplace is like this of course. Most Highblood ruled land have slaves and beggars. But at least it is better then war." I said.
          "How can you speak of slaves as a mere better outcome" Sylvie asked.
          "It's not an outcome, it's a step forward". I retorted.


@lasershock_  art pov? Interesting. But just 7 more chapters i can'tttt i want moreee


YOOOOOO, my fanfic is #5 on #thebeginning after the end!!!
          We also just hit 10k reads!!!! 
          Thank you guys so much for the support!!!❤️
          I always try to make every chapter better then the last so I’m really glad you all are enjoying it
          With that being said…
          Here is a little spoiler for the next chapter
          This however was completely different. I used the mana in the atmosphere and made it radioactive, then I ignited it with soulfire. This caused my spell to eat away at any and all mana. The air the ground the flesh the soul. All of it would be succumbed under this flame.
          All this power but yet I knew Grey would just swat it away like it was nothing more then a fly. 


@Saraitsme3 Thank you!!! ❤️❤️


@lasershock_  The ranking was  deserved!
            Cant wait for the next chapter!! The spoiler seems to be the lances pov


Ok so I need some help with a name. I’m trying to find a cool nickname for Grey and Godspell won’t work since it will remind him of Lance god spell. So I thought of Monarch of (spoiler) but that reminded me of solo leveling so then I’m like the potentate of (spoiler) but that sounds to formal and not many people know of that word.
          Then I thought of Sovereign of (spoiler) but I want to give Grey a new role not a used one so idk…
          If anyone has any ideas pls let me know…love ya❤️❤️


Ooh that good but it sounds less powerful ya know 


@lasershock_ who about prince ?