
All this drama with management is giving me a headache.


Aiden!  Stop that.   This is not the time or the place to be doing a happy dance....we're here to thank Louiiiisbabe for reading your story and here you are making a spectacle of yourself.   And you know, I mean, I get it, sure you like to go commando, but is it really the right time to be doing handstands out in public.  I'm so's nothing embarrassing about your....junk....I just think a little decorum is in order....that's all.  Your....[rolls my eyes] junk is perfectly fine.....fine fine!  it's better than fine...I know Cody likes it.....please....Aiden, go back inside....Just let me thank Louiiisbabe properly
          Sorry bout that....he gets a little hyper sometimes when he's had too much Dr Pepper in the morning....  Thank you for reading and voting and I hope you enjoyed it very much....Aiden would you shut up.   Now you're just being crass.... 
          Thanks.....  ~nick