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i am so fucking tired of this bitch (my protagonist whom i quite literally based on myself) holy fuck just have a fun life for once ugh wtf why are you like this


“here’s my super cool room described so you get a 200 word break from my mindset. anyway back to my thoughts now: i am being mistreated so hard but somehow im the bad guy”


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i am so fucking tired of this bitch (my protagonist whom i quite literally based on myself) holy fuck just have a fun life for once ugh wtf why are you like this


“here’s my super cool room described so you get a 200 word break from my mindset. anyway back to my thoughts now: i am being mistreated so hard but somehow im the bad guy”


sometimes you’re dancing in the living room because spring is around and your cats look at you weirdly and you just think “a monkey would get me”


i love my cats but they do not understand the urge to dance. our ape siblings would


an ape actually. like if there were an orangutan with me they’d get me so hard. chimpanzee? they’d maybe beat me to a pulp but they would also do a jig. a bonobo would start playing the guitar for me so i could dance more


my ex’s emotional repression (feeling emotions but not knowing what they are or where they come from due to autism) vs my emotional repression (legitimately not feeling anything consciously until the heat of the moment and then forgetting immediately again due to dissociation)


we’re alright again btw. as in im no longer angry at her out of trigger response. don’t want to date her either but we’re proper friends again from my perspective (from hers i believe we never stopped being so but my ability to be normal is severely underdeveloped)


i'll be like "violet did NOT abuse me" and then i try to read a book that she took a lot of inspiration from in her writing and take twenty damage per page


the only time i saw her sincerely triggered (despite how often she pretended to have panic attacks on camera (by hiding most of her face under a blanket and just talking less after saying "i'm sad pls call me ):")) is when i said she might be autistic. turns out she was called ableist slurs while growing up & was already diagnosed despite her denying that she was to me at first. so yeah she has legitimate ptsd and i'm willing to believe that, it simply has absolutely NOTHING to do with sexual abuse


anyway i hate how weak early trauma has made me because this could have just been a funny story that lasted significantly less long but nope to me it had to be traumatic


her explanation was longer and initially sounded more sensible ("i was in an abusive relationship when i was 12 and got a perpetrator introject from that who mimicked an abuser and is therefore also a pedophile") but then the longer it went on the less sense it made and the more it suddenly applied to ALL her "alters" ("actually the relationship only took a week lol and she just ghosted me throughout and i still hate her for that and she was also exactly my age so nothing happened but my brain felt that that wasn't bad enough to be traumatized by so the alter that split is worse and has csa pseudomemories. not that those bother me btw i don't have any ptsd from them but i DO think they're hot. oh yeah anyway our roleplays are pseudomemories too now except that you were actually abusive in said pseudomemories so it's justified when i want to vividly describe in detail how i'd rape you every day. yeah i know you said that it's triggering when i imagine you as a child in those but i waited half a year so now i'm gonna go there again anyway. how DARE you focus on a different hobby than me omg are you abusing me")


obsession is fine in relationships to me but i think that possessiveness seriously needs to die out and be shamed lmao


jealousy is not at all attractive. it's a human emotion and i get that, but acting on it is not rational. if you only feel sure in your relationship when isolating your partner i do not like you.


you have written your wall full with their name and made a perfume mimicking their scent? well okay that’s a little weird but you do you. you imagine vivid conversations with them literally 24/7 and have written tens of pages about them? relatable. you get mad when they talk to someone else? stop. don't do that. wtf lol


i really need to learn that not every story is fully rounded with every single detail and moral explained and that in spite of that, it can still be finished and loved. it'd make finishing stuff so much easier if i fully allowed for that to happen to my stories also


also, when white room syndrome is eradicated suddenly the story is automatically fuller already than before, even if the actual plot remains the same


i managed with bugs eating eyes tho lol. but not since then


i think it's so funny how back in high school my friends thought i'd edited a photo of myself to make me look like a zombie when it was just a hyperrealistic portrait of someone else made to look like a zombie. it was just a girl with big eyes and a small nose and i STILL can't see the comparison


maybe ptsd has skewed my perception on what's actually inflammatory. anyway


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it's a day later but i should mention that the inflammatory things are never said to be inflammatory. they ARE inflammatory but never just to be an asshole. i just feel too at ease and then start saying stupid things. but apparently it's not that bad because i one time came to apologize about it a day later to a friend and she looked at me like i was crazy and just went "huh wtf are you talking about"


i love them too though so maybe that helps


lots of dutch fantasy books are about these great battles between good and evil on an enormous scale with the main appeal being that it is about magic wielders who have lived for a very long time and my instinctive reaction is just "who are you to know how to characterize that" or "wow you must be far removed from yourself to prefer writing that over writing about anything you could possibly relate to" but then there's a fantasy book about loneliness or grief or hopelessness or otherwise subtler damage and i go "yeah you probably have a lot to say. go ahead"


epic fantasy with too much focus on superpowers etc becomes hollow so quickly. it can be extremely fun but you DO need to actually feel the characters if you know what i mean - otherwise it's just grandiose claims of glory or horror that say nothing at all in the end