
          	The chapter I promised today is not quite ready. The past two days were busy with work, and I was unable to spend time writing. I'm finally working on it now and will publish it as soon as I can.


Take your time. We will be waiting for you ❤️


Hello there.
          It's been awhile.
          To be honest, the final four tannies leaving was a gut punch that took me out. I lost all desire to write and just threw myself into my work. On top of that, I was really not happy with how my stories were going and becoming discouraged by the constant messages about finishing stories from my OLD profile.
          I figured I'd go on the record with this. I do not have plans to revive any stories from my old writing profile. When I got locked out of that profile, I lost ALL my story notes and drafts. Stupid me saved it all on this website without backing it up anywhere else. I even went back and re-read my old stories on that profile with the hopes of possibly continuing. I can't revisit that world I created without COMPLETELY rewriting it. I don't have the energy or creativity to restart that particular story universe from scratch.
          I know it's frustrating to read the stories on my old profile and not have a resolution. Imagine what it's like to be the creator of such stories and not have ANY access to them. 
          Most of all, my writing has evolved, and I'd rather focus on the projects currently in the works instead of rehashing old stories that I have no access to anymore.
          I'm sorry to those who were hoping that I'd revisit the sequel to Bangtan Pack. Unfortunately, I don't have it in me.
          Instead, I am going to focus on the Jinva universe that I created last year.
          You may have noticed that I deleted the sequel. I was not happy with how it turned out and decided to start from scratch. On top of that, I decided to condense all the Jin/Nova-focused stories into one "book." I reloaded the chapters from the first book into "Her Universe" as part 1. I am currently working on part 2 with the hope of posting chapter 1 on Yoongi's birthday.


Hi Friends!
          Chapter 1 for LASTDS has been republished!
          I had initially posted 6 chapters but have condensed them down to three. I have pushed my word count from 2k per chapter to 4k/5k. I am working on chapter 2 as we speak, with chapter 3 almost ready to go. However, I want to give myself some space so you won't wait too long for the new chapter.
          I hope you have mentally recovered from all the fantastic golden promotions and the emotional coaster we just went through (Jin's monthly post last night to waking up to Jimin doing the GUILTY challenge... I am unwell. hah)
          Again, thank you for your patience and continued support as I edit my story.
          All the best,


Hi there!
          Just a quick posting update: There's a strong chance that I will NOT post a chapter this weekend. I haven't had much time to write this past week, and what I did was scrapped as I wasn't happy with its direction. To be perfectly honest, I might unpublish the story. Don't worry - it's not going away. My perfectionist self isn't happy right now, and I need time to edit and fix the flow of things. I will reread it tonight, and if the story disappears, know that it's because I've decided to take some time to edit it.
          Thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my story. It means so much to me.
          Much love,


Hello again!
          I spent all weekend combing over IGHTM carefully and have officially submitted it into a FF contest here on WP. Decided to go ahead and submit Monarch as well. I miss that story and need to write those bonus chapters I promised a long time ago ... 
          All that editing has zapped me mentally. I was hoping to have another chapter this week, unfortunately, it will have to wait until this upcoming weekend.
          Have a wonderful week and Happy Jimtober!!!


Hey there!
          Last night I decided to post the first chapter to my sequel, Like a Star That Doesn’t Shatter. I’m already working on the next chapter. However I probably won’t post until next week because I’m working on editing IGHTM. 
          A contest page that I enjoy following, just posted their new fall contest. I want to submit IGHTM but need to proof read it before I can do that. I wrote that story without any true beta readers or editors. So I know there are some grammar errors and potential plot holes (since I did change things slightly as I wrote the story). 
          I am spending this weekend going through IGHTM instead of working on my next chapter. If you see any potential update posts on that story, that’s why. No new chapters, just editing and reposting. 
          I’m not changing the story at all. Just catching any sneaky grammar mistakes or plot holes. But once I finish that, I will get back to working on LASTDS. 


Hi There,
          Today I posted the final chapter of "I Get Heaven to Myself". I realized a few hours later that I COMPLETELY forgot an extremely important detail at the end of the chapter. Went ahead and fixed it before republishing it. *It's after the Jin Weverse Post picture if you don't want to read the entire chapter*
          I am working on the epilogue which will be posted as soon as I can finish it.


Why hello there!
          Originally I wanted to announce today’s double update for my Jin fic (Chapt 46 & 47), however I am flabbergasted because Monarch finally hit 1k reads!!!
          I’m blown away at that statistic. 
          As most know, I had a different author profile which I lost all access to last year. With it went my desire to create stories. Monarch was the story that reignited my passion for writing. That fic has a special place in my heart. 
          In honor of that milestone, I will be working on a 1k read special. Something I have had planned ever since the fic ended earlier this year. 
          My first priority is to finish IGHTM but after that I will begin working on my bonus chapter as a thank you for all who have read my story. Be on the lookout for that!
          P.S. be on the lookout for my Jin fic finale and epilogue. Will be posted sometime this week. 


Hey there!
          My apologies for not posting the past few weeks. I’m officially back to work after a glorious two month summer vacation. Work has been busy, zapping me mentally. I’ve SLOWLY been working on the next chapter. It’s been a struggle though. I ended up deleting the chapter completely over a week ago, stepping away in frustration. Yesterday, I decided to try again. Instead of typing, I wrote it with pen and paper. That seemed to help.  Hopefully this chapter should be ready to post sometime this weekend. 
          Thanks for your patience!


Holy cow... 
          I just opened up my account to see that  IGHTM just hit 1k reads.
          Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. It means the world to me to see my own work consumed and enjoyed. I am forever grateful.
          I'm hoping to have the next chapter out soon. (I promise that I have been actively working on it)