
Hey guys!
          	Again this is not an update message. As a lot of you are aware my book has gone nowhere significant from the time I'd started writing it. I left you all on chapter 10 like months ago. I've not really come to terms with how I want the story to go forward and after almost 2 years I now want to make a hell lot of changes to the existing chapters. Out of the 33 chapters, I'd written only 10 had ever seen the light and a few of you ended up messaging me about reading similar storylines in other writers. I've approached them and they've agreed upon making changes to their stories where needed. So yes I'll be taking the story down until an unprecedented moment in the future when I can actually invest my time and give justice to the story and you guys. Thanks a billion for keeping up with this crazy person. Love you guys. Until we meet again in Orin!


Hey guys!
          Again this is not an update message. As a lot of you are aware my book has gone nowhere significant from the time I'd started writing it. I left you all on chapter 10 like months ago. I've not really come to terms with how I want the story to go forward and after almost 2 years I now want to make a hell lot of changes to the existing chapters. Out of the 33 chapters, I'd written only 10 had ever seen the light and a few of you ended up messaging me about reading similar storylines in other writers. I've approached them and they've agreed upon making changes to their stories where needed. So yes I'll be taking the story down until an unprecedented moment in the future when I can actually invest my time and give justice to the story and you guys. Thanks a billion for keeping up with this crazy person. Love you guys. Until we meet again in Orin!


Hey there amazing ppl!
          No this is not an announcement to say i've published another chapter (hides from angry mob) buttttttttt this is an announcement to inform you that I shall resume writing from the 15th of March! By then a part of my exams will finish and i'll have some breathing space. I'll finish writing all the chapters in my break and publish them like episodes on a weekly basis. and as promised for all the readers supporting me from the beginning i'm brewing special backstory! And i'll be active on all my social media accounts in my break and will post the account names shortly. Once again i'm immensely grateful for my patient readers who've supported me on this crazy journey so far. Love ya all ❤❤❤


Happy New Year everyone!!!
          Firstly I would like the tremendous support of my few readers. I'm highly irregular in updates and won't be able to update until my Exams are over...I promise this year will be different for I have many plans coming up for you ppl This year ill be completing the first book in the Realms series i.e. Lost Realms and begin book 2!(haven't yet decided the name) And for my very first readers, after the end of 'Lost Realms' I'll be mailing an extra short story about Akinli and Celine's backstory!. Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year!


For all my readers out there...I'm alive. I've hit major writer's block and exams are right around the corner. It means a lot to me that you chose to read my story. For now I'm gonna lay low, finish my exams and then come back full force, head full of words and a beautiful story to tell you all. Thank you all for your immense support and love


          Thanks for adding The Challenge of the Masters to your reading list and for the follow :)
          P.S.: lovely bio you have there.


@sireninmyheart I hope you have fun reading it ;)
            I wonder though, did you read the first book?
            And you're very welcome; I know how a follow is precious to every undiscovered writer. Keep writing; I'm sure you'll find your readers as you write. And if you want a writing help or you simply want to chat, my PM is always open :D 


@DianaTheThird It was a pleasure :). Can't wait to start reading your book! And thank you so much for the follow it really does mean a lot to me since I'm an amateur writer trying to find my grip in writing...