
(Irl. haha- secret twin!)
          	Guinevere set up her tripod, making sure it was set to the height she wanted before screwing the stand in place. She, with her limited camera equipment, had been hired to do a photoshoot, and while she loved doing them it was for a steamer's merch line which was something she had never done. She was really anxious about if they would even like the results, but she was pretty confident in her camera abilities. At least, she hoped.


this message may be offensive
@l-lonelydancers "Channel being mysterious-"
          	  "FUCK YOU"


          	  "channel...i don't know-"


@l-lonelydancers "Yeah be spooky!'


(Irl. haha- secret twin!)
          Guinevere set up her tripod, making sure it was set to the height she wanted before screwing the stand in place. She, with her limited camera equipment, had been hired to do a photoshoot, and while she loved doing them it was for a steamer's merch line which was something she had never done. She was really anxious about if they would even like the results, but she was pretty confident in her camera abilities. At least, she hoped.


this message may be offensive
@l-lonelydancers "Channel being mysterious-"
            "FUCK YOU"


            "channel...i don't know-"


@l-lonelydancers "Yeah be spooky!'


(Cyberpunk AU. hahaaaaa- murder!)
          Ant walked into the stock room, going to put a box up on the shelves back for his boyfriend. He wanted to help out more, especially since Vel had started getting more customers, which was what he was trying to do now. He set the box on the shelf, sighing softly before looking up and yelping as the box fell on top of him. He saw the floor get closer to him as he heard the glass shatter inside the box, completely being trapped underneath the box.


(DnD AU. i love him already-)
          Malakai tuned his lyre, winking at one of the girls in front of him as he started strumming a couple chords. He stood back up, flipping his hair slightly. "i like to call this song-" He stopped as a giant black portal opened above him. "... that's not normal-" He screamed slightly as the portal swallowed him, dumping him onto a grass patch in front of an elf. "...excuse me do you mind i was just about to serenade some total hotties."


(Mafia AU. she's so great-)
          Guqqie leaned back in the chair, propping her feet up on the desk as she continued watching a video on Aimee's computer. She was actually supposed to be doing work, but she had been doing work for a solid two hours and she deserved a break. She grabbed a pen, messing with it as she continued to watch this video. It was really interesting...hopefully she finished it before Aimee came back.


@l-lonelydancers "Missing me- that's crazy-"


(Irl. soccer man we love him-)
          Anastacio high-fived another member of his team, laughing at something they had said before turning to a member on the opposing team. This game had been particularly rough, and he just wanted to talk to one of their newest players who had given him some challenges during the game. He extended a hand out to the guy, immediately having his hand slapped away.
          "don't try to be nice to me, f*g. get your immigrant ass out of america's sport."
          "...ok first off, that's not the language we should be using when there's teenagers around it's a bad influence. second off, i thought america's sport was the your football, not mine."


            He got in, starting the car.


            He gently closed the door, running around to his side.


(Cyberpunk AU. engaged era!)
          Fundy opened the gate, holding it open so Ali could get into the garden safely before closing it behind them. They had been out all day doing things, mostly centered around Ali as he had planned, and now they had reached the end of everything he had planned. He quickly stole the plant holder from Ali, smiling at her. "let me do this for you love. i would hate for such a pretty dress to get ruined."


@l-lonelydancers "No. You were always amazing-"


(irl. future girlfriends!)
          Willow walked into the lobby of her favorite escape rooms, smiling at the lady working the desk before walking over. She hadn't been able to stop by recently, which made her sad, but she was here now! She quickly scanned the QR code, starting to fill it out as she talked. "hi lisa! how are you doing today?"


(Mafia AU. she down bad-)
          Alexa stared at the screen, zoning out slightly as the song changed. She had thrown on Doja Cat because she normally was able to ignore the lyrics and use the instrumental to get her through work, but once she had started listening she couldn't stop. It was just her and Sam in the offices today, since Velvet had started taking Friday nights off, and now her brain was wandering. Allowing her brain to wander like this wasn't good, but she couldn't help it. She just hoped once the song ended she could go back to working and forget everything...she hoped.


@l-lonelydancers he climbed in the bed "Oh yeah?"


            "mhm." She laid down on the bed. "my favorite ever. of all time."


(Irl. haha- his boyfriend is back!)
          Tacio sighed softly, swishing his iced coffee in a small circular motion before taking a small sip. He slept horribly the night before, so he was barely awake. He wanted to sleep more, but he still had one more reservation for the day before he could go home. He took a sip, quickly swallowing as he watched a group walk in. "Charlie, Ranboo, welcome back! Welcome to the chaos Ted, I assume you're my last reso today?"


            "yeah! he haunts the depths, we love patrick."


(Cyberpunk AU. haha- secrets.)
          Noah snuck into the pool area, walking over to inspect just how deep it was. Sam had said it was deep enough to dive into, but he needed to know just how deep that meant. The deepest end was 12 feet...he really hoped that was enough. He slipped his shoes off, tossing his shirt to the side before diving into the deep end. He immediately felt his legs start to merge together, his tail forming as he swam around. He did a couple spins underwater, giggling softly. He felt free again, something he hadn't really felt since he was a kid...this was great.