
Next chapter to come out, hopefully tonight, is going to be a big chapter and will probably make you emotional (hopefully lol).


@SugaBoy777   Hey bro its been a while u probably don't know me but i know u  made Joshdub sister  Eddievr i just wanted say u inspire me i wanna be just like u one day u never finished the story but i'ma making a story of my on 2 stories u should go check em out click my profile it would mean a-lot t to me i'ma a big fan f Eddie and u know wanted u to see my work  [(: i hope u enjoy 
          	                          Love   Majesty-Games -


Next chapter to come out, hopefully tonight, is going to be a big chapter and will probably make you emotional (hopefully lol).


@SugaBoy777   Hey bro its been a while u probably don't know me but i know u  made Joshdub sister  Eddievr i just wanted say u inspire me i wanna be just like u one day u never finished the story but i'ma making a story of my on 2 stories u should go check em out click my profile it would mean a-lot t to me i'ma a big fan f Eddie and u know wanted u to see my work  [(: i hope u enjoy 
                                    Love   Majesty-Games -


Hey yall im sorry I've not updated in a while I just got a puppy and if im not at school im watching her so I haven't had the time im going to try and updated today a few times and now I have a friend who i might ask to do the translating for me he's fluent in Spanish so yay!


I Have A Feeling I Know You, But I Might Not.


@MyName6651 oh? Umm im thinking , I've only posted pictures of my makeup on there


@MyName6651 where do you think you know me from?


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My sister just walked into my room  and goes "can you shut the fuck up ive been trying to sleep for the past 2 and a half hours" and im sitting here like BITCH NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FELT WHEN YOU ARE UP ON THE FONE ALL NIGHT LONG LAUGHING YOUR ASS OFF, FUCK OFF!


@SugaBoy777 *gets mad*  How old is she, she needs to go get a job


@Multi_Fandom-Simp yah my family has to deal with her draining my mom's bank account because all she does, mind you shes 18, "mom can I have some money to go out with friends, mom can you take us to go get some food, mom my friend needs gass money" and my mom says okay because she doesn't want to deal with my sister throwing a fit because she will.


this message may be offensive
So..... I kind of need some help as most of you know im at the age of high school (not putting my exact age) and I got a boyfriend not to long ago and I've already told him that I don't want to say I love you because we are 1 high schoolers and 2 haven't even been in a relationship for at the time a whole month and he was cool with that but he is now saying shit like I want to be with you forever and I want to grow old with you and on top of that he might be moving to North Carolina next summer and he said he was going to see if he could stay for me I told him im not worth it stay with you family and he said if thats what you want that's what ill do to witch I tried to explain that I don't want him to do anything for me and he told me that no matter what he's doing it for me and I don't want that shit, im kind of thinking about telling him that we will take a break until he gets his shit straight and isn't completely making every division based on me but I don't want him to most likely kill himself be he will and ugghhh I don't know what to DO


GUYS MY CRUSH ASKED ME OUT!!!! But on the others hand, my sister probably has covid....


@AdIttBack aww thank you and I will 


Congrats of your crush!! Also wish the best for you, your sis and your fam!  <33 