
Anyway, how did you two meet? Tell me. Tell me. *tries to be cute so that you overlook all the annoyance*


I'm so annoyed. 
            ALL of my books have mysteriously been deleted from my Wattpad library!!! 
            I have to go back and reload every book. 
            I can't figure out what happened. 
            Okay, so this is not the end of the world. 
            But, still...


Epic comes naturally to you. 
            Just be you. 


@ktavaglione lol... I have been making lots of notes, as we speak actually :)
            Rhys is making up for lost time it seems!!!!
            No pressure *needs to get in more choccy and voddy 


Woah! You love hiking too? Holy heck, me too! And you're mum too? Jeez, moi the only single one, isn't it? Both of you have your men sorted out and here am I... Depending only on the fictional ones. My days are somehow passing by, thank you for asking. *sniffs in a corner*


            Trekking would be fun. 
            You can keep paragliding for both of us- 
            Water rafting is a must do some day!
            And yes, Cade. Is. Another. Perfect. Specimen. 


Btw, i last year went for trekking and paragliding! It was super duper fun! I missed river rafting tho, the flow didn't have enough force that day. :( 


@ktavaglione that's okay, wattpad has a way of screwing msgs and replies up. Yep, I agree with every word of yours. I still have so much to learn about myself and my career as well. I'm a premed, wanting to be a doctor. That'll pretty much eat up all my time and I'm so excited about it. Tbh, between studies and my my multiple affairs with fictional men, I've no time for the real ones rn. Lol xD. But on a serious note, I'll have to stop binge reading pretty soon. It's a bummer really, because I'm so addicted to reading and wattpad :( then again gotta do what you gotta do. 
            And, and @ktavaglione I'm starting up Cade's story. Have you read that too? I'd say you've. I'm so excited that I already messed up with the blurb and thought he was a barista lol. XD major facepalm. 


Ello ladies! 
          Texan beauty is at 34°C  (94°F for you) 
          Miss Gloucestershire is at 18°C (ooh I love this weather!) @misslittleDHP 
          Moi at 28°C.
          You're welcome. 
          PS: lol, I always love checking time and temperature of different locations. I many times do when I'm sitting idle so thought why not share my awesomeness with you?! xD


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@Myfreesoul eeeee!! Ohemgee *squeals like a typical girlie girl* wattpad is so effed up. It didn't notify me that you both, BOTH replied. Like shit! I got up so early (at 7) because I was just so excited To virtually meet you both awesome sauce ppl, only to find no reply. Lol, was that a bummer! I totally thought I was intruding yesterday and yall already fed up of me. *major facepalm* sorry for the moronic thoughts but yeah. 
            And now it's 16:01 when I finally see this! I'm genuinely happy, hurray for me!  unfortunately wattpad doesn't support emoticons here. :/


Okay, she's going to get me all jealous by talking about taking a dip in the pool! 
            It's a mixed bag over here...sometimes sunny, then cloudy.
            I love checking out the weather where my fellow lovelies are, tooooooo! ♥️


So dang hot. 
            About to be poolside. 
            I check weather and time, too. 
            Except y'all use the wrong measurement system... 


Just wanted to say a HUUUUUUGE thank you for fabulously choosing the title to the second instalment to Access All Areas. I absolutely loved your suggestion, All Areas Accessed, fitted perfectly. 
          Clever girly .... mwah, mwah and mwah again xxxxxxx


 How do you even know that I'm reading The Dare?!?!  
            Besides, YOU SAID, "as soon as my kids get back to school I'll start writing Rhys' POV." *spoken in my best high pitched voice with an English accent- with a hint of Texas twang* 
            So, you pull The Dare outta left field. It wasn't even on my radar. So naturally I had to get acquainted with it. 
            I'm only human. 


Hey beautiful lady.... STOP reading The Dare.... it's not the best in its current state....but my goodness, it will be after the full re-write ♥️
            Are you missing me that much, that you're having to read my well below par stuff now? Tee hee! :):)


And I want to say a huuuuuuuuuuge thank you for writing Rhys' POV!!!!


Hey lovely lady, I simply had to come and gatecrash your page to say a HUGE thank you for all the votes and the wonderful interaction you give me via your comments on Written With Hearts. Readers like you, make authors like me....HAPPY ! 
          Big mwah's xxxxxxx


No time to be anything but nuts!
            I have them such a short time. I try to make everything fun so it resonates with them and maybe they'll get a clearer understanding. 


Dang. You are reaching back in time, aren't you? 
            I teach kindergarten through second grade math to struggling kids that have trouble keeping up with their peers. 


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@misslittleDHP @ktavaglione oh shit you're a teacher! Holy cow! I didn't catch your drift earlier I'm so dumb. God, am I embarrassed! What do you teach? Which grade? Are you the strict one or the cool one? And yeah moi proudly stalking you. Teehee! 