
Why is it so hard to find good fics I swear I find one good fic every 2 months


Really late update to the story below but she was so dry she just said something along the lines of “It’s not that I don’t like you I just don’t know you, and we still talk with ____” ummm girl you literally replaced us soooo??? But yeah anyways there’s still like 3 girls from the 7 girl fg they are in that are nice to us and that’s cool! 


this message may be offensive
Guys drama happening in school long story short our friend group got appart and me and my closest friend in the group got left out and I just texted one of the girls I’m about to shit myself help


The situation cleared out, I’m not close with the girls anymore but they do care for me, I had proof today they care for me and it warmed my heart❤️ thx tho!


@kriiimx ok drama sucks i hate it
            if i were u get it out of the group chat and let it be 
            attention and being included isnt something to ask for its something given to u 
            dont seem desprete and u will be wanted