
this message may be offensive
You know I'm saying I'm on a hiatus but we all know I'm lying. I just can't be fucked  maybe I'll write another chapter but I have 0 motivation and behind the desguise is so bad  (no offence to the people who liked it but that's how I see it.)
          	 Also I said I would tell you my age when I got 10 comments and here's the answer :
          	I just turned 14 lmao which means I started the book at 12 criinnggee haha
          	PEACE ✌️ 


this message may be offensive
You know I'm saying I'm on a hiatus but we all know I'm lying. I just can't be fucked  maybe I'll write another chapter but I have 0 motivation and behind the desguise is so bad  (no offence to the people who liked it but that's how I see it.)
           Also I said I would tell you my age when I got 10 comments and here's the answer :
          I just turned 14 lmao which means I started the book at 12 criinnggee haha
          PEACE ✌️ 


Hi guys I am so sorry I haven't updated for a while as I have school and sports and a massive writers block! I will try to update as soon as I can but schools getting in the way so I won't know when that'll be. Please be patient. 
          I also got a kik account and if you want to talk to me my kik name is: ma_bffs_r_crazy
          Until next time.
          Again I'm sorry.