
The most craziest thing happened, so it was a rain Saturday snowing in the middle of June. The sun was bright and I I released I needed to walk my rock. I went to the kitchen and my 2 removed frog gave me my lunch because it was 2 AM. My gay wife asked I if I was asleep. And that's why you don't drive on Friday the 13th.
          	That Carfax fox tho 




this message may be offensive
@xX_LoveJoy_Xx his friend, who the fuck are you?


this message may be offensive
@YeetsOutOfHere who the fuck are you?


The most craziest thing happened, so it was a rain Saturday snowing in the middle of June. The sun was bright and I I released I needed to walk my rock. I went to the kitchen and my 2 removed frog gave me my lunch because it was 2 AM. My gay wife asked I if I was asleep. And that's why you don't drive on Friday the 13th.
          That Carfax fox tho