
Hi everyone! As most of you guys may know, Wattpad has been breached since June and our information is apparently being sold on the dark web. 
          	Here’s a Twitter thread to help protect yourself and remove your email from the list: 
          	The steps are fairly easy and if it doesn’t work the first time, please keep trying! 
          	Due to this unfortunate event, I will go on a major hiatus again. I’ve done what I could to protect myself and I hope you guys will do the same. Sadly, it won’t feel the same for me to continue writing at this moment. I don’t feel like it’s safe either. 
          	If you want to keep in touch with me, my twitter is twitter.com/ughjeoon. 
          	I’ll see you guys around! Stay safe. ♡



this message may be offensive
hi kim lovie!! it’s tay i just like moved accounts aha- how are you? i’m so tired of this corona shit like =_= i can’t. i also just started senior year (pain) and these teachers won’t. stop. piling. work. (pain pt2)