the horrors of accidentally posting a draft. on a road trip right now, and put my phone down. come to find i posted a chapter and i don’t know for how long. IT FELT LIKE MY HEART STOPPED.
HEADS UP! I just unpublished my fic ‘Ravenwood’ to majorly edit it! I want it to be consistent throughout all the chapters before we get to serious with chapter 9 & 10. It will hopefully be back up by Sunday or Monday, along with chapter 9! love y’all!
i have a confession to make... I'VE BEEN WATCHING TVD ON MUTE INTENTIONALLY. i'm doing this with 2 of my irls rn and we text after we finish an episode to see what we got right.
we are only ten episodes in rn. a lot of my moots have been posting tvd books, so if i read and i'm shocked about something, it's because i actually didn't/don't know.