
Sorry for the inactivity since the last update for the Vox Machina book. Life has once again dictated that writing had to take a back seat for a while. 
          	Gonna get back to it ASAP and finish up the chapters for episode five. For those of you still reading, there will be a bit more Vex/Ragnvaldr to look forward too as well.
          	As always feel free to leave any questions or feedback for the book on this post and I'll try answering in the least spoilery way possible.


@MichaelTheHeavy Yes! I love his music. Got a ton of it already saved.


@kobakkc113 So far I’m loving it, I favorite is Valhalla calling song. Also you should check out Peyton Parrish, he did so many Viking music.


@MichaelTheHeavy Let me know what you think.


Sorry for the inactivity since the last update for the Vox Machina book. Life has once again dictated that writing had to take a back seat for a while. 
          Gonna get back to it ASAP and finish up the chapters for episode five. For those of you still reading, there will be a bit more Vex/Ragnvaldr to look forward too as well.
          As always feel free to leave any questions or feedback for the book on this post and I'll try answering in the least spoilery way possible.


@MichaelTheHeavy Yes! I love his music. Got a ton of it already saved.


@kobakkc113 So far I’m loving it, I favorite is Valhalla calling song. Also you should check out Peyton Parrish, he did so many Viking music.


@MichaelTheHeavy Let me know what you think.


I finished the first season of Vox Machina and i love it and I’m very excited for your next chapter of it, i can’t wait and see what you have in stores


@MichaelTheHeavy As mentioned a while back, once I'm done with episode 5 of Vox Machina then I'll finish up a new Fallout chapter.


@kobakkc113 Nice, will you also be working on your fallout chapter after this one?


Another day or so and i'll post the next chapter for THE TIES THAT BIND. Hopefully you guys are looking forward to it.
          Just out of curiosity, is the book itself living up to expectations so far? I know I've been retredding a lot of ground from the show, but I'll definatly be writing more original scenes soon.


@MichaelTheHeavy Scanlan's actually one of my favourite members of the party, so it actually kind of hurts writing his and Ragnvaldr's interactions the way I do, but I had to remember both are in almost everyway complete opposites in personailty and attitude so of course there would be conflict.


@MichaelTheHeavy In all honesty, I thought it was a little too soon for some of the party to figure out Ragnvaldr's origin. But I figured it would only be a matter of time seeing as he has the subtulty of a brick when trying to hide he's an oldegardian.


@kobakkc113 Oh and also I like the conversation between Ragnvaldr and Keyleth in the 4 episode chapters, Instead of Percy talking to her it’s our character, great job btw.


How’s your progress on your chapters?


@MichaelTheHeavy Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far. The show is definatly one of my favourites to be honest. 
            And since season 3 was announced I think yesterday, I wanna get as many chapters out as possible leading up to it. Plus there's the fact I really enjoy writing Ragnvaldr as a character.


@kobakkc113 ok, I am bit sad that we won’t be getting a fallout chapter i understand your reasons. Also i only watched 2 episodes of Vic Machina which i stopped at chapter 4 of your book so im gonna go back and finish watching the series before I continue on reading because this is pretty interesting so far.


@MichaelTheHeavy Things are going well. The next Vox Machina chapter should be out sometime this week.


Okay, I just wanted to let those of you waiting for the next chapter know. Instead of Fallout I've decided to update THE TIES THAT BIND, mainly because I've made far more progress on it than Fallout, plus I just really want to get episode 5 finished up.


@kobakkc113 And I wanted to read the next chapter of Faded Might


@kobakkc113 Aw man, I was looking forward for a new fallout chapter….oh well


Okay, I've made quiet a a lot of progress on both the next chapter for FADED MIGHT and THE TIES THAT BIND. 
          Also, thank you for the continued support despite my questionable upload schedule. It means a lot.
          Anyway, now it's up to you what gets updated, let me know, and fast:
          THE TIES THAT BIND ||| The Legend of Vox Machina - "Homeward Bound"
          FADED MIGHT ||| FALLOUT - "Tumbling Down"


You do know that PMs are no longer available on Wattpad.


@kobakkc113 Try Discord, it has PMs over  there.


@Cosmicvariant20 Yeah I do... It sucks but at least they kept conversations, so its not a total loss.


Next book to be updated will be FADED MIGHT. Hopefully I'll finish up episode one in another chapter or two, but we'll see.
          Also, I'm glad to see there is still an intrest in THE TIES THAT BIND, thank you for the continued support on it as well. I know its slow going but each chapter is like 10,000 words a piece at the minimun.


@kobakkc113 maybe it will take a chapter or 2 to finish the first episode, it only depends how long the scenes are. I mean we have to get to the part where the raiders are attacking and killing the vault-dwellers of vault 33 and Lucy leaving the vault to find her dad