
Hey guys question should i do a rewrite on my story. If your curious check its @alexmason125 


@klexluther haven't gotten around to reading them all but its pretty good


@K0rts1 sure and what do you think about my old work


@klexluther how about "undoing what is already been done" i've just started reading that one


Dude I just thought of this song which I should just say is absolutely amazing you should go check it out it’s that good.
          Hey I’m gonna put more down below in the comments or other messages I just am saying this mainly because well the other messages or comments I’m going to put are gonna be a little bit part from the video so if you don’t want me to spoil it it’s is a song I just wanna let you know if you want to check it out first so you sort of know more of what I’m talking about


So whenever you get a chance if possible can you respond to what is your thoughts on the cookie virus thing even though that won’t be the actual name for it
            But can you tell me how the toilets the alliance members and the female alliance members and the radio man would react to the each stage of the virus but remember he still looks very much human he’s probably A little bit taller than a large cameraman
            But tell me whenever you get a chance about how they would react to each stage in their own thoughts as I’m sure the choice would be smiling a little bit but the smell will slowly disappear


Once again I apologize but this is sort of another part of his power basically his power is sort of based on actual fear which just remember he is actually completely blind and is very vulnerable to anything that’s too loud making speakers work in their favor but there’s been times where it gets too much for him and he just completely ripped out his own ears well destroys his eardrums because it actually gets so bad that he can’t take it although he does he’ll eventually but then he focuses on the sense of smell and vibrations on the ground which for the Titans that’s not very fun as he can easily tell where they are
            But anyways what makes him also horrifying is that he can actually extend his neck miles along and he can actually make these weird teeth chattering sound whenever he like sort of bites them together sort of as it’s a way for them to know that he’s nearby but it’s more out of making them actually freak out as he is very good at hearing that he can also hear heartbeats he’s a predator who’s out for fly he’s too far gotta be safe there’s also been times where he’s been actually on the ceiling like with one incident with a cameraman let’s just say where the cameraman was looking through some thing but basically Brown was actually on the ceiling and his head was actually looking at him like basically think of it this way he’s on the ceiling and he was his head was right next to the camera man like the audience could see him looking directly at him with his mouth open and him drooling only for him to get taken by him a few seconds later


But yeah that’s his special ability he’s able to eat things hole but even then that doesn’t satisfy his hunger although if all the titans were basically repaired and operated sort of they can possibly face brown but even siege is just a problem pretty much although I can definitely see the tiles working together although I feel like many of the alliance members don’t wanna talk to the scientists about it because of it being his fault


@klexluther hey dude this is kind of it’s not an idea it’s kind of like a continuation of the affected are you where brown cameraman is smiling sword if you at all chest dial if you have I’m gonna put it for short pretty much check out this one thing on YouTube some Youtubers have made a video on it it’s called the cookie virus my little pony
          It’s actually made on TikTok and it’s really good but basically if you were to ever plan on making that your next reaction whenever you make the reaction story just tell me so I can explain it to you on the stages
          But anyways I was thinking that basically considering routers are capable of mimicking voices I could actually see speaker woman and dark speaker woman being possible sisters and brown is actually someone who tore them apart you can say like you mimicked someone’s voice although I can’t see a plunger actually being the one to do it considering she does try to save people
          But I think this would be more interesting but basically brown Bites speaker woman’s be dark speaker woman’s body and in a few seconds he started to eat the rest of the body causing someone else to go try and stop him only for his or her weapon not to work and hurt or him getting bit and half with brown just having his grin


Oh yeah by the way I know I said this before but I can see this being one of the scientists experiments that he was planning on in the future but I feel like after seeing Brown and what he’s turned into and he does look basically like I said before human like his camera fell off and his original head grew back but but whenever the stages go up and up his face gets more grotesque and disfigured a little bit he’s not recognizable anymore besides his tie and clothing


@klexluther Hey dude I kind of have a question but I just want to ask you what would be either some or just the female alliance members reaction be to Brown’s you can say obsession with getting footage or clips basically what I mean is think of Vanoss gaming and his guess who videos where he puts himself in danger just to gather content even though he’s at risk of dying I’m talking about like that He has no fear for his own life


@klexluther hey so in my messages it’s been getting a little bit crowded so I’m going to just tell you here so but once you check here can you check on my account comments
            But I did think of another version and like there are so many viruses send me that that is really good but I can’t see another version of a virus or a bra where it just tells us the status of each character at first with whenever we go check out lucky status unknown went out to find brown
            And a little bit later whenever we go to check on Brown it says status ran away/in hiding
            I guess not so loyal after all it says as well on the bottom left
            But I have a Chapter or so later we see his personal view on what he’s feeling but a little bit later whenever he came across a house scraped his knee and he was freaking out a little bit by saying like oh now I can’t possibly go back to them now basically showing on why he never returned as he was now infected and now he was walking the earth slowly getting worse and worse until the infection finally takes him


@klexluther yeah but most of the time probably the Titans are the ones who just ruined his footage like I mean all cameramen actually do that like did you see episode 60 or something like where the fake G-man was basically going to get killed by the Astro’s
            Those cameramen was reporting that even if it was going to kill them but brown is worse he always is recording at all times I mean take the episode where he was saved by TV woman
            The next episode instead of running away he was getting closer to the toilets


@nathaneskell brown would be in serious trouble for that though he would be clueless cause, the videos was funny and might give a remark or praise to himself to which the girls if not all of them except some few girls would plan to tie him or "house arrest" him for an entire day


Hey to make this easier on you I’m gonna try and keep this short but this is with all the messages I sort of sent today
          So basically what I was talking about to make this easier on you basically I was saying that in residents of evil three not the remake but the nemesis dropped items if you knocks him down like you get weapon upgrades and I was thinking perhaps Brown could do the same thing which you can choose on how it works but it’s a reward you get if you manage to defeat him
          My other ones were basically about reactions
          Like this one is kind of embarrassing for probably plunger I would say basically brown gets turned into a baby I also got this idea from a YouTube reaction although I don’t know how you will feel about this although it’s your choice but basically Brown gets shot by a laser turning him into a baby and it’s your choice and who takes care of him like I can’t see till other girls or one of them most likely Lucky she looks for food for him and well at some point he couldn’t wait and well let’s just say brown did something that would definitely piss off lucky he got his milk from the natural source and obviously she will be pissed


@klexluther Also the whole thing with the reactions yeah I am planning on giving it’s like you know not doing it as much and just going to wait


@klexluther what do you mean by gray are you saying race or what


@nathaneskell I don't know if i answer this but what grays brown? Though the core is interesting.
            My guess about sciencentist camerawoman might be an important since we have Cathy or camerawoman since she is one and maybe its her sister or boss maybe? But we'll know it once we found some clues. Though maybe we can find it when dafuq show the destroyed remnants of titan cameraman


Hey this is something I actually wanted to ask you about or this is one of my main well my main question
          But whenever you were saying that you added are going to add like sign to camera woman I just wanted to ask is it going to be that one scientist from episode 74 that put a camera thing on TV daddy that’s what his actual name apparently is
          Hey dude if you want me to stop sending you messages at least until the story comes out just tell me. Although this might be the last one most likely
          Also I’m gonna keep this part short as well I think this would be an interesting thing for the reactions although obviously I know you’re going to add other reactions like RWBY
          Also brown as Mr. X from resident of evil yes three forms though I could see his first form as basically his normal form except he’s taller and buffer and he has a camera for a head but something happened to his head make him lose it and he regenerate it his original human head back he’s also immune to the song
          But whenever he loses his entire body I could definitely see him turning into the nemesis


Sorry for the long message but I thought this was a good idea although maybe the whole thing with the insults might not be all that good but basically for short he pretty much brings weapon upgrades blueprints for them
            But the main reason why he’s doing this is because in his mind it will show the eyes of the true colors of the alliance and well the toilets they did kill him or almost caused it but she does this for two reasons
            The first one is because it will show the true colors sort of of the alliance people who not only doesn’t care about their soldiers even if it cost them 100 of their own men just to get upgrades that might last for a week pretty much or maybe more
            The other reason is because he wants to cause more destruction towards both parties because if someone manages to get their hands on the supplies he’s holding it can change the war for a while until he comes back and he sees it a little bit entertaining that the only reason why they’re fighting him is because of his supplies
            And for survival


this message may be offensive
@klexluther hey this is just something small kind of that I did think of but in residents of evil three the first one not the remake well The nemesis whenever you kill him or knock him down technically not really kill him he drops like I think healing items or upgrades
            Well perhaps he does the same thing but the things he drops can be upgrades for either one or the other side it’s basically first come first serve
            It’s your choice if you just want him to for some reason have this on him or he actually just makes these things
            So these are the upgrades that can be found on his body whenever you knock him unconscious will knock him down as it takes a lot of bullets and usually whenever this happens they don’t like use lasers or anything to attack him but they use like actual guns as not to destroy any thing that he has on him and the alliance members or the toys can lose actually quite a lot of people as because the mutants carry like no long range weapon they are literally for bidden to actually go anywhere near him as that’s basically a death sentence for them
            So anyways the things I can drop for the alliance are like weapon upgrades or upgrades for the Titans or for their regular soldiers or upgrades for like their spiders you can say which there’s been one for the TV race which is just TV spiders
            And I also think this one would be funny but sometimes the upgrades or weapons are actually very very simple like basically a guitar for Titan speaker woman very simple although they believe that he did this because of it being so simple and an insult to their intelligence
            As for the toilets They basically get the same thing because they’ve been shown to be able to re-create things from the alliance very easily


@klexluther sure also I did just notice a message you sent me an hour ago and you might be asleep now but I just wanted to say I do still like the idea with him having a core kind of considering every single like tyrant has a heart that’s three times the size of a normal human heart it’s so big that is actually protruding out of the chest pretty much
            Although if he is technically like by himself he can obviously probably crush a mutant toilet most likely mutant buzz saw he would definitely be a little bit shorter than mutant buzz saw probably by like 2 feet maybe but he can still probably crush his head with one hand


Also I thought of this idea that I think would be interesting because I could see that being a thing it may sound cold and heartless but I can see dark speaker woman not really having much of a problem with it as she would’ve done the same to considering she literally did and TV Men would be probably be The number one target of the toilets
          But to get start with this basically Brown doesn’t actually like the TV man that much as in his eyes he sees them as nothing more than cowards because he’s also been a victim of this not by TV woman but by another TV man they always escape like cowards they teleport away as like they’re afraid of their own life which he hates them for it especially considering they’re the strongest in the alliance
          So he’s done this multiple times to TV man but he basically stabs the part of them that allows them to teleport and throws them towards the toilet which usually happens basically they get grabbed unable to escape and everyone else runs away although no one actually reports this because well deep down other alliance members deep down heat the TV race because of their cowardly nature there’s only a few people who hasn’t realize this yet and that’s the elite agents but that’s because they’re very important so they’re always saved by the TV men


Also one more thing it’s gonna be a small boat how low will the power like the alliance power go down like basically what I’m saying is comparing the lions power with brown alive how long would the power go if he died like permanently


            So anyways while they were talking I’m talking about you have to toilet and brown at some point the parasite got mad and started to talk a little bit with an angry voice he came out of the parasite thing with his tongue still on him as if he did it he would be free from the control
            But then afterwords detainer toil and juggernaut toilet came by it with juggernaut grabbing the head of the camera putting his head sort of down next to his chest to give detainer time to sort of grab the parasite with his claw
            He smiled and started to get it ready to destroy the toilet and both the cameraman and toilet were screaming or screeching in pain
            also brown was specifically made to be annoying to the Titans that’s what he was made to be to be more support than fighting directly
            So that’s a little bit but one more short thing on the episode where the detainer toilet basically got messed up perhaps Brian was sort of also in the same situation a little bit as Brian was able to at some point grab a hold of the juggernaut as well as he was out of the line control with the help of the detainer He grabs onto one of them and he just flew away with them as that was their plan to try and get brown out of control


@klexluther hey I know you’re probably asleep but I’m gonna basically sort of explain
            But the Astro toilets don’t like the idea of parasites as in their mind it screwed up because they know that the alliance members knows exactly what’s happening but they can’t control it basically they’re forced to watch as they kill their own comrades and friends with them not being able to do anything about it they’re very conscious of their actions
            So anyways at some point they went to where G-man was supposed to be but Grandma was actually there with many weapons and the yellow corps the core was fairly new since they actually had no idea sort of like they were new with the whole thing with Cores but anyways
            Do you have a toilet was talking to the Titan cameraman he is still smaller than a regular titan though because once again they’re not all that good at making large cameramen as they use the same technology they used to make their toilets bigger let’s just say he’s the same height as G-man


Dude if you get this message I just wanted to say this that brown got rejected again like almost a whole day ago he was rejected again like we’ve seen a lot more computers even the computer in a random spot there were a bunch of humans I swear the computer race is coming at some point
          And that’s probably going to be Brown’s next love interest and it will be TV women’s jealousy arc


@nathaneskell well we did see in dafuq desk are the heads of each alliances including the computer so possible though i do have a little theory since dafuq seem to be obliviously using quite a reference. And might bring in the computer races as something unique like the multiverse or the tri soldiers.


@klexluther Oh this is for the actual canon I don’t want you to yourself to Sawyer like you know add the computer race because then you would probably have to add more if you want your choice but yeah there’s a good chance a new race might show up but I’m not too sure because we’ve been seeing a lot of TVs not TVs I mean computers for the last two episodes like we all one at the end of 73 and one in the middle of like 74 so there’s a chance that the computer race might come maybe not who knows
            But for short it’s for Dafuq


@nathaneskell is this about the recently released 74 viedo of dafuq or is this the story that both of us are making 


Hey how have things been going with the whole apartment thing


@klexluther Hey so I thought of this other idea a little bit that I think is pretty good like it’s for a reaction
            It’s basically brown kind of like C pen he has his height
            But he was repaired or he was basically a fruit project to stop another project or repair to stop another one which also caused him to lose his emotions during the project
            When he says that even if we win I won’t laugh even if we lose I want to cry I could see him saying like even the way I speak Doesn’t even have emotion


@klexluther Oh yeah also this is just a little short thing I just wanted to say whenever you get this message as well if you at all at the computer men are the computer race to react even though I’m pretty sure there’s not many in the skibidi war they talked about them not being impressed by the weapons the alliance made but I’m pretty sure they’ll be impressed by the weapons brown makes considering they are most likely powered by a core of some thing that can turn any toilet into ash


@klexluther Hey I just thought of another thing but if you ever heard of tab G in the video I forgot his name but I could actually see Poppy as brown and possibly plunger as the Russian badger kind of or maybe someone else but that’s an accurate fiction of how useful Brown is he’s beyond useful he’s heaven for the alliance but hell for the toilets


Hey I also thought of these two new reactions I think would be nice and they all belong to Brown and his compadres since they might be in the reaction because it’s from the past
          They could react to attack of the dead men/cameras
          And the Christmas truce Which both could be on brown which basically both of them could be brown’s teammates the first one where they were protecting a fortress/Outpost not only that but I also in Brown’s old squad how many people were in his squad because just so you know 100 Russian soldiers back then took down 7000 German soldiers protecting an outpost think of those cameras or just Brown’s entire team wiping out 7000 toilets because they were scared of him even toilets that were five times their size
          And the second one The Christmas truce well I can already see that one robot from the pencil race would not really like it but I don’t think he really has a choice in the matter because he would get killed instantly by the females I could also see the commander on the toilet side being mutant buzz saw toilet even though he’s an enemy I could see him thinking this was nice including G-man and the scientist toilet even they could smile without it being sinister But that smile would turn into a frown after the war begins again although even though they hate to say it you this is war and you have to follow orders


Hey one more message I am in my own opinion I know I said this before I think but I said that I was thinking that perhaps it would be your choice if it’s the future or the past or whatever but I did say it would be just interesting if every person in the attack of the dead men besides Brown and his squad died but that’s just my own idea
            Also you didn’t tell me or maybe I just never asked you but in the reaction room when will the reaction like take place season one or season two etc. I’m talking about like that when will the seasons take place


@klexluther all right do whatever you want in the reaction although you wouldn’t have to like bring up other male characters if you don’t want to for the reaction if you want but it’s your choice
            Because during attack of the dead men before they got hit by the poison gas one of the soldiers shot with Luger I think it’s called making him still go back but he reacted very little to the pain or anything but then again attack of the deadman would’ve probably been like later not later on but do whatever you want either way it will be fire
            Because they’re using every weapon in their disposal in the battle even hitting people over the head with their own weapons/gun
            Although you didn’t tell me on what you meant by I think you haven’t told me a file like plunger woman’s bravery I’m still a little bit confused about that


@klexluther OK thanks for telling me also can you tell me what’s probably the best time to talk to you whenever you’re free mainly because I don’t want to keep on like saying are you there I just wanted to make sure you got my message because I don’t want to have a few unread for like months and forget about it