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i’m going to fucking cry i found this really cute saiouma book about shuichi being able to go back in time and change the events of the killing game, and he tells kokichi BUT I CANT FIND IT ANYMORE I FORGOT THE NAME AND EVERYTHING IM CRYING


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i’m going to fucking cry i found this really cute saiouma book about shuichi being able to go back in time and change the events of the killing game, and he tells kokichi BUT I CANT FIND IT ANYMORE I FORGOT THE NAME AND EVERYTHING IM CRYING


@kkokichiii oh nooooo.  That sounds adorableeeee.  If you find it can you post the name of it?  I wanna read it


So imma be updating a lot more recently now!!!


@kkokichiii Hey bae checking in again! How is your lazy ass doing? We haven’t updated for 3 months Kokichi angst is still keeping me strong  Don’t worry I’ll start on a platonic OuGoku one shot that we will never finish❤️ You welcome☺️


Hey so it’s been a month gurl whacchu been doing all this time huh? Spit it the F U C K out. Go on. Oh yeah! YOUVE BEEN ON YOUTUBE AN TIKTOK AND WHENEVER YOU ARE ON WATTPAD YOUR READING KOKICHI ANGST????? 