
hey guys! I am having major writers block and need some ideas Everything Changes. Please HELP. Love you all <3


I am living proof that you can be happy, that you can get better and live your life the way you want to. We are only given what we can handle. Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.


You think to yourself, I can't do this anymore. You think that there is no point in living anymore, that nothing can make you happy. Everyday is the same, nothing will change. People tell you that it will be okay, when in reality they know it won't be. Everyone has a different view point on life, whether there is or isn't a god. Or if you should pursue your dreams, or make a change in this world. But the thing is, is that it is different for every person. There are people that are happy with their life, they don't know what it's like to hate yourself so much to the point where you want to end it. And then there are people that are so down and sad, that they don't know what it's like to feel happy and have a good time. We have to realize that we cannot judge people on what they look like or what brand of clothes that they wear or what their weight is. We have to see them for who they are on the inside. Look for things that make them who they are, whether it be they like to read a lot or draw or listen to rock music. But we do not have to judge that person by just looking at them, you don't know what have been through or seen in their life. Everyone is different. Lots of people don't have the courage to be who they really are, or stand up for what they believe in. Their too afraid of what society  will think of them. Let me tell you something, you shouldn't care. For you to live the best life that you can, you have to be able to be yourself. Without worrying about what others think. My favorite line from a song gives me the strength to be who I am. Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars. Seeing is decieving, dreaming is believing. It's okay not to be okay. This is true, it is okay not to be okay sometimes. Don't lose yourself in the darkness. Pick your head up, live life and don't be afraid to be yourself. It may seem like things won't get better, but I have gotten better.