


Idk how many people are still on this site/app, but thank you if you are. I'm still working on my main stories but am just going to be posting some short things for now. I'm thinking of moving the main stories over to archive your own. 
          Hope you all have a good day ^^ <3


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          Sry for being inactive. 
          I've been trying hard to get my shit together so I can write, and do it properly. Which means research is needed and with School that's been a little hard. 
          Anyway hope you all are good and I'll post some poems and short things in the mean time.


Still in a unpredictable mindset and what not but I've got several ideas and I'm throwing them out there. Feedback would be very nice. 
          I'm currently redesigning Phantom Hearts characters so they'll fit with the rewritten version, but in the mean time, Enjoy!!


Yes I am alive. 
          I'm not going to be posting much in the way of stories for now as I want to make sure I have everything planned out before I do anything. I'm also in kinda a unpredictable mindset at the that's a thing. 
          Secondly, I'm not going to be posting anymore art in my art book. I'll post my art on my instagram or my deviantart, both are linked in my bio. 
          Hope you all have a great summer and see you when I get back. 
          Just keep an eye out for if I post ok!!


          Sorry for such a long wait but I'm back!!!
          I just was having some troubles and School was in the way a lot. 
          I got my motivation to write again!!!
          PHANTOM HEARTS IS BEING RE WRITTEN! I've posted the first new chapter. 
          As for other things. 
          I'm working on Art and I have posted another story...that relates to my English class that I am taking. 
          That's about it <3