
also, follow my tumblr! xfalloutari


I finished what is written of chemical romances. And can I say that it is one of the best well written fanfics I have read in a long time. It isn't too dramatic but it flows very well. I even cried reading it and laughed. I loved how so many references were used when they were appropriate. And over all I just love it. Usually when you read a fanfic when the band or whatever is still in school it sucks and is stereotypical character that starts off just depressed and cuts and whatever. But this story was different. I really enjoyed it. I am proud to have read it. I am a fan of the book. 


this was lovely to see. working on updates. :)


also, i am planning to bring back "chemical romances?"! i dropped out of some clubs (for reasons that will not be said) so i should have some more free time, hopefully. thanks for giving me a break guys. i may not be completely back but i'm getting there and hopefully, these fun stories that you guys love so much will bring more joy to my sad life. {lmao}