
*      ceebee chat


well,  this is certainly awkward.


@kingsarc  for a midnight walk.    [the man pauses in his steps,  a short sigh drawn past his lips and it was seen through the shift of his shoulders.  gently rolling them to ease the tension,  he knew that voice well.  anybody would have known it.]    i could ask the same to you,  or does this rule not apply to royalty?


@damnsels     .. you’re out past curfew.   why?


what--    what  are   you   doing   ?   did   i  not   / just /  say  i  wish  to  be  alone  ?


@stariquo   i’m the king, i can do what i want.  [it was ironic for him to say, as someone who was big on his friends never using his titles and heritage except for an absolute emergency.  he pulls out a chair, turning it to face him as he sat. He leaned his arms forward and over the backrest]   talk to me 


what   are  /YOU/  doing  here??  


@kingsarc     and you’re paying?  nice.   [his gaze shifts to the mass amount of clothes that covered his bed and floor.]    are you going to help?   orrrrrr


@sinicides  just to get out,  buy a few things. whatever you want   [nate raised a single shoulder in a shrug,  lifting a brow while the younger stumbled his way forward, an arm over his shoulders. he squinted, pushing Ari’s arm off and back at his side]   .. ten minutes to clean up this room first.   /then/ we can go 


@kingsarc      what?    no way!  for what?   [ari damn near trips over the mess that’s his floor as he drapes an arm over the kings shoulders.]  don’t even need the ten minutes,  i’m ready right now.   


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ no.   no,   stay there.


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ (   he twitches;   a full-body twitch.   it felt as if he was too big for his skin,   stretched to its limit,   ready to rip.   )       you..   can't hurt me.       (   he all but snarls,   a deep contrast to the wide smile on his face.   kenzou hasn't seen another dragon in a long time,   but he isn't surprised,   nor is he intimidated.   it was a dragon,   but not one like him.   )


@ofspite   ok..  ok.  [one hand draws up in placate defense,  while the other stretches out in front of his own mount, who stood with his teeth bared. the golden beast was very protective of him───as all bonded dragons were to their riders,  but this was different.  it made nate more inclined to usher his dragon to remain calm]    i..      /we/ aren’t gonna hurt you.  on wolf’s honor. 


that  cut  on  your  eyebrow  is  fresh,   don’t  lie  to  me.   sit  down.


@kingsarc     ☆      you’re   so    ...    ugh   !   why  do  you  never  listen  to  me,   hm  ?   when  i  tell  you  to  be  careful.      「 a  frown  sits  between  her  brows,    lip  jutted  out  slightly  as  she  concentrates  on  cleaning  the  cut   --   perhaps  slightly   harsher  than  necessary,    but  she  was  just  being  thorough.     」 you   need  to  be  more  careful,   nate.    i   don’t   know  what  i  would  do  if  i--   if  you  weren’t  so  careful   at  the  wrong  moment.


@stariquo   stella..  [his weak and nimble attempt fall on deaf ears.  forced into the seat closest to him with a strength rather odd for small hands . he leans back against the wood, exhaling through his nose.  the cut wasn’t all that bad───   at least he thought so. maybe it was a result of a tree branch,   flying too low to the surface.]     i’m fine,   seriously. ow! hey, come on..  