anneyoseyo petals . its great to be meet you all again, yeah we knew its got along break! pheww i am busy myself sorry for it i would be free on july untilll then i will try to give uplods!
love uhh everyone
takes care petals
byeee see you soon cuties!
hello petals ,
i am sorry for not updating ,my life was a whole mess upto this days ,i had passes many problems in lifes and now i am having exams too i am soory for being late ,please co opreate with me
plaese petals do comment and say if u likes my story
and after exam i will be giving u updates
thankyou and i loves u ,take care *
hello my dera petals
,firstly sorry for the late updates .i think to upload this week but ,i having exams
i am soory please co operate i will try to upload after exam
bye ,take care