
/      cb   (  optionally   specify   )  &   drop   pls    while    I   catch up   with    everything  < 33


&&.            spam    here   ;)            anything  between  injured,     curious  &  intrigued.     


@killerwidows          (  . . .  )         curious  or  any  <3


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛     ya’   got  that  mad  look  in  yer’   eyes,        who  was  it? 


@civitan     (  . . .  )       mad   look   in   my   eyes ?     i     don’t    know    what    you’re    talking    about    .      [        kalina    spoke    gruffly     ,    but    there    was    no    hiding    the    fire    that   burned   brightly   in   her eyes .    the    intensity   of    her     gaze     reflected    a     soul    tormented      by     a     relentless    drive   for     vengeance,    violent    justice ,     a     fire     that    consumed     her     every     thought     and action,     leaving    no    room     for     doubt    .    she grimaced    for   a   moment    ,   jaw     ticking    as    she   raised her chin    but     avoided   his    piercing   gaze    ,    looking     straight    ahead .       ]       does   it    matter    who   it    was    ? 


this message may be offensive
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛     fuck !          the  hell’s  your  problem?      yer’    on  my  goddamn   property  —-  pointing  a  gun  at  me.          


@civitan   (  . . .  )     her     finger    twitched    slightly    on   the    trigger   at    his    words ,    but    she   held    her   fire.    she     wouldn't    shoot   unless     he    gave    her    a    reason    to.   but    she    couldn’t    afford    him to    alert    anyone of    her presence .    especially    not    with    the   one    who    shot her    still   on   the   loose .      laboured    grunts    left   her   .   ]       . . .      you    need   to    let   me in   .    
            /    [  2 / 2  ] 


@civitan    (  . . .  )       [      sweat    beaded    upon     the    forehead     of     the     assassin,    one     hand    pressed    against    her    side,     where    blood    had     already   soaked     through     her    clothing    and    dripped    onto    the     floor.    her    other   hand     remained     unwavering,    gripping     her     gun     with     steely    determination     and     pointing    it    at   the     stranger    who     stood    before    her.     she    leaned     heavily    against    the     wall,    each    breath    a    struggle   as    pain     seared    through    her     wound.    kalina    had     sought    this   house     as    a    place    of     refuge,   hoping   to     find     medical    supplies    to   tend    to    her     injuries.    she     had    believed    it    to    be    empty,    a     safe   haven    where    she    could    momentarily    lower    her    guard.   but    the     unexpected    sound    of    footsteps   had    shattered    that    illusion.   
                      her   instincts    kicked    in,    and    she    bared her    teeth    slightly    under    her     mask,    much     like    a     cornered     animal    would,     ready     to     defend    herself. her     weapon    was    drawn    in    a   heartbeat,     aimed     directly    at     the    intruder.    trust    was    a     luxury     she       couldn't     afford.    kalina's     gaze     was   unrelenting,     her    finger    poised   on   the     trigger.   he    seemed    as     startled    by    her     presence    as    she was    by    his.    despite    her    distrust,   she     acknowledged    that    his    reaction    was    fair    —   anyone    would   be     startled    by    a     bleeding,    armed   woman     appearing    out    of    nowhere. 
            /    [  1/2  ] 


/      cb   (  optionally   specify   )  &   drop   pls    while    I   catch up   with    everything  < 33


&&.            spam    here   ;)            anything  between  injured,     curious  &  intrigued.     


@killerwidows          (  . . .  )         curious  or  any  <3


' we don't have to do this , you could just walk away ' 


;         ◎ dex : he / it
            a humourless laugh escaped the man , head cocked in the direction of the widow's voice . its mind was alight with calculations of trajectory , velocity and weight of all the weapons at his disposal ; useless without a clear understanding of where she was and the surrounding area . 
            ' what's the death of another trust fund snob ? i'm doing the world an act of kindness . '


@BU11SEYE    (  . . .  )      [       kalina    had always    been    one    to use    darkness to her advantage .    she   was   agile   ,    and her clothing   and   hair    blended   well    in the shadows .    she   remained   at   a   relative distance    ,    her   hand   remaining    clutched    around   her   weapon    as a   precaution   ,    realising the   unpredictability    of the hitman   who   she had only   met once before .       ]        maybe   not .    but   the   man   you   were hired    to   kill   doesn’t    deserve    to   die .   there   are   others   who   do .  you don’t   need   to   do this   .    


;         no worries <33 
            ◎ dex : he / it
            without a clear view of the widow , it squeezed its eyes shut and tried to calm the beat of its heart , tried to gauge where she was purely by sound . 
            the hitman was at a disadvantage against the skilled fighter in such low lighting , his inability to see the surrounding area was the biggest issue , unable to richochet projectiles if it couldn't calculate the angles . 
            ' this doesn't involve you . ' 


      --- ݁⠀♡̷̷      ..     bawk. 


    --- ݁⠀♡̷̷        indeed,   indeed.  the  nostalgia was  incredible.  i’ve always adored reading old messages and interactions between us all. the good news is though, once i am done with rurik’s carrds. my activity will be better on here as i plan to boost up my account with new things,  and new rps.       this hobby is actually pretty decent and keeps you occupied on resting days.          the golden era however, was my favourite. i want to savour these interactions and save them since pm is gone );.  it really is a bummer but, there’s discord —- so anything mature will just be moved there.   but at least we’ve got that.           do you remember that one time we had an interaction where anastasia is sitting in bed with sullivan’s head in her lap? by gods,    that specific interaction still lives rent free in my head.        that was my favourite,       it was so beautiful the way she held him and spoke to him. now, i just want to blabber on about these,  ugh. i need to revamp his account and work on our current one but, it’s very exhausting going back and forth between accounts.


--- ݁⠀♡̷̷   ..    i missed  you  very  much.    everything  has  been  extremely  busy  but  quite  good.  so,  i  cannot  complain  there,   what  about  you?           i miss writing  long  responses  to  our  interactions.     is  it  strange  that  whilst  writing  this,  i  am  thinking  of  all  our  old  chains.  they  were  mesmerizing  and  i  hope  we  can  have  something  like  that  again.    everything  has  been  so  busy,  i  can’t  even  pause  and  take   a  moment’s  breath.    work  really  has   a  way  of  tying  a  person  down  and  keeping  them   there  for  months. 


--- ݁⠀♡̷̷      ..      had  to  take   a  moment  to  breathe,     didn’t  know  twas  happiness  knocking  at  my door.           &&.  i  shall  respond to  our  things  in  a  moment. 


"You're making it hard to dislike you... but shooting people isn't cool!"


@-hawkeyes      (  . . .  )      [        kalina   let    a slight    grin    at her    words   ,     shrugging    her    shoulders .       ]       you    shot   at    / me  /   with    your   stick   and    string    ,    remember .    [          she    pointed   out    ,    gesturing    to    the    other ‘s    bow    and    arrow .     ]      nice    shot    by   the   way    ,     mаленький      герой    (   little    hero    )    .      [        the    russian    woman    added    ,    before   tilting    her head    .     ]        cool   ?   no   .    but    necessary   ?    absolutely .  .  .        i       could    choose    a different    approach     ,     if    you    prefer    ?     knives    are    fun   .    or    poison .   oh ,   or    you    can    do    /  wonders  /     with     a    piece   of wire—     [        she   listed off ,   though   her   tone   of   voice    may it unclear    as    to whether    she    was being serious    or    not .    ] 


/        cb    &    please   specify    mood   !    &   feel     free   to   drop     interactions     !       < 33 


/ㅤ@killerwidows,  late asf but pls !! 


   /   im super late but tension pls if you’re still sending stuff out <3 


@onebatchtwo   /    you   take    all the time you need    < 33    there’s no rush    !! 