
[ milo: *gives me an old account, makes a display name, and finds an icon that they promise to edit later & leaves the rest to me*
          	me: i am going to be active for 5 seconds and not even change my username thank you ] 


this message may be offensive
/    fuckiN FUCK


let's run away together 


yeah ,,   we could just take everyone else tho since that'll be our only con —


larry had his cold hands buried 
          in the pocket of his sweater ;  
          the cold ,   crisp winter winds
          blowing loose strands of hair 
          from his face . when he exhaled ,   
          it seemed as if a puff of smoke 
          escaped his lips ,   which was 
          still amusing to the boy . .     ever
          since he was a wee little lad .    
          that  reminded him of something .    
          as he walked beside the gray - 
          haired girl ,   boots crunching in 
          the snow ,   he pulled out a pack
          of cigarettes .    good 'ol marlboro .
          “ want one ? ”


∆ × @metalheadartisan ;
            the slightly shorter female walked beside her good friend, rubbing her gloves together while puffing warm breaths onto them. "god, winter is merciless," she laughed bitterly. maple was in accustomed to the snow, but she was in no way used to it. over winter break, she would typically visit family in arizona, but that hasn't been the case recently. instead, she's been here, fressing her fingers to the point of them going numb. it was rather peaceful, going on a walk with larry. the silence was never awkward, the conversations were natural and consistent. she looked up at him, a soft chuckle sounding from her dark purple lips. 
            seeing larry amused by fake smoke was more amusing than the fake smoke itself has ever been to her. she watched larry pull out the cigarettes, half-expecting them to be so. when he offered, she happily took one from the half-empty pack. "you know it." 


Hey Maple!
          ((Main Ash?))


            "Soooooo Maple. What kind of, I dunno Baby names do you have in mind?" Ash smirked


∆ × @http_ashleycampbell ;
            hi ash. whats up?
            [ yess! :0 ] 