
this message may be offensive
People are actually reading my story lol. I made this in the middle of class with a plot generator, then just pull shit out of my ass but people are actually reading it and I'm stoked. 
          	By the way, (shameless self plug)


          I was wondering if you know of anyone or yourself who writes fanfictions for
          7 - Twilight (M)
          5 - Game of Thrones (S)
          4 - True Blood (S)
          3 - Descendants 1&2 (M)
          1 - Vampire Academy (M)
          2 - Diabolik Lovers (A)
          2 - Snow White with the Red Hair (A)
          2 - Kamisama Kiss (A) 
          4 - Gokusen  (D)
          4 - The Wallflower (A)
          1 - The 100 (S)
          1 - The Boy (M)
          5 - Shadowhunters (S)
          Shows (S) or Movies (M) or Anime (A) or Dramas (D)
          The # is the amount is the amount of ideas i have for each,


I saw that you liked ViktorxReader fanfics, Well I have a new story about that and I would love for you to check it out! Thanks in advance and have a great day!


And thank you so much


Yes I'll be updating some time today


@MESparks Nice! The story was great! would you be updating soon though?


Hey, I read your bio, and I saw Nightmare Factory & Ecstasy Hearts in your list of favorite webtoons! I have so much to say, but I don't want to cram it in here. :3333


@Kabuno_Chan Hopefully Kreyul grows out of being Asexual  I SHIP EM SOO HARD! I SWEAR THAT SHIP JUST WENT TO HEAVEN


@xXGEMMA848Xx Hopefully not for me, the weirdness is great! Hey, what about Ecstasy Hearts? Shippin' Anya & Axel like FedEx!


@Kabuno_Chan I know! Especialy scince I ship Kreyul x Emai!


Hi people! Today I found an inspiring speech by a one-shot author!Hope this inspires you too!
          Here it is:
          (A/N)- Hey guys! I decided to keep going with this one. For this one shot- Yuuri has disappeared.Poof. Sorry, but he'll be back soon! I need requests- it's hard to come up with stuff on my own, so please help!!! I just want you guys to know (since these one shot parts aee dealing with a dark subject) that the world is'nt so bad if you look really close. There is always something to do, and see. There's certainly a point to living. They say your life flashes before you die. It does. It's called living. Our lives are short, and we need to make the most of them. Sometimes I hear people say, "What's the point? We're all gonna die anyway." Well, yes we will die. But what about before that? I don't know about you- but there are so many things I want to do before I die. Visit Europe, Japan, Alaska. I want to get married and have kids. I want to watch sunsets and eat ice cream. There are stressfuland hard things- sometimes we all want to give up. But then I remember all I want to do and see, who I want to spend time with... And suddenly, all suffering is worth while. I want to Live, Laugh, Love and Learn- and if it comes with tough stuff, so be it. If you can't find meaning- then I say wither look harder or stop looking and live, and one day you'll find that you've found it. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!


@xXGEMMA848Xx Thanks so much for your wonderful words.


@xXGEMMA848Xx Never give up. It may seem like an endless boring cycle, but if you look hard enough, you'll see all the little wonderful things that make life worth living. I have my bad days, we all do, but we just need to keep moving forward. And don't think about it too hard! Sometimes, we just need to dive right in. (Thinking things through is also good too. XD Haha, life is weird) You're smart, Gemma-Chan, make the most of it.


@GLEfiction No prob! To be honest I was ready to give up in life but never thought of suicide. Having you say those words made me regret it. I always thought life was the same for generations- you get born, go to school, go to collage and hope to find love, find a food job then die.... That's how life works for me, but after you said those words you made me think harder, you made me realize that, I'm just a kid and I only have like I don't know 50, 60 more years left and atleast 20 of them I can't have fun like I use to since if I did...... then.... SNAP! AAAH MY WAIST! I was near to giving up in life (again not suicide) but you were the light that stopped me! Thank you author~chan! 